Friends Forever.......Like Father Like Son

With gas prices continuing to soar, President Bush feels the solution is to meet with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah to kindly ask him to increase production in order to get prices down. First Congress decided to drill up the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge and now Bush meets with this clown. When are we going to realize that these are not long term solutions?
The solution to the problem is to offer incentives to corporations to develop and implement technologies for their products that don't require gas/oil to operate. Then offer incentives to consumers to purchase these products. Our entire foreign policy revolves around oil, isn't enough enough already? In all fairness to Bush, no President thus far has taken an aggressive stance to eliminate our dependency on foreign oil. The time is now. But honestly, how can we expect an oil man President to go against his financial interests to do what's best for the country? He won't.
People are under the impression that Bin Laden orchestrated attacks against us nearly four years ago because he hates our way of life. You know, he stumbled across the US Constitution one day in his cave and became jealous and outraged and said that he had to put a stop to this. The reason we were attacked and these people hate us is simple. They are pissed off after years and years of US aggression and policy which revolves entirely around oil. If we developed,IMPLEMENTED,and FORCED companies to produce these non-oil related products, our foreign policy problems would be much easier to solve. When is someone going to wake up and get us on the right track?
damn straight. and bushy's revenge against people who hurt his daddy doesn't do much for our international image either.
Here we go with the politics. We've been attacked several time by terrorists. I don't know what the solution is for the long term for preventing future attacks. Unfortunately these people cannot be deal with diplomatically because past experience proves it doesn't work. Maybe we shouldn't get involved in other countries problems and let the communists take them all over.(but then that would be a danger to us if they get big enough) North Korea wants to take over South Korea and China wants to take over Tawain. Before you know it there will be very few free society's left and that is not good for the rest of the world.
I want to drive a car run on water or something cheap. Perhaps a Kool-Aid powered vehicle?
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