Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sorry State of Affairs

Is it just me, or does the price of gasoline go up EVERY day? As it continues to rise, people continue to buy SUV's which aids in raising our demand for fuel and in fuel prices. People still wave the American flag, too blind by their "Patriotism" to realize just how bad things are in America right now.

I remember back in '99, while Clinton was getting his dick sucked and the Conservatives were in an uproar, things were booming here. Gas was .99 a gallon, the stock market was soaring, we weren't being attacked, nor were we attacking other nations, things were just going along fine. If the worst thing that happened under Clinton was a blowjob, I'll go back to those days in a second. I was making money hand over fist, OVERTIME was basically unlimited, and everyone was happy. What the hell happened?

The stock market is slightly higher(DOW, Nasdaq is almost the same) than it was when GW stole the 2000 election. We've lost 1500+ troops in Iraq, the unemployment rate is higher, the jobs that are out there are low paying bullshit jobs, gas is 80% higher than it was in 2000, we went from a surplus to a defecit, the world hates us, yet Bush wins the election last year and it's business as usual. Don't people care anymore? I think the American people have really lost their balls.

I see clips on TV from the 1960's, an era when people gave a shit. People took to the streets and made changes. They took to the streets for their civil rights, women's rights, protested unjust wars, you name it. Today everyone just accepts everything and nobody does shit about it. The country gets outraged by Janet Jackson's breast but not by 1500+ troops dying in Iraq. Americans are outraged by the thought of two men or two women getting married, but will gladly pay $2.50 for a gallon of regular gas. Americans will debate whether or not the Teletubbies promote homosexuality but won't demand or debate gun control. We need a generation of people who care, to shake things up. What's going on now is just insanity, yet people sem to be hiding from the mess that is around us. How long before we wake up and demand change? Instead of Congress debating Terri Schiavo and steroids in baseball they need to be debating alternative fuel sources to we can tell Saudi Arabia to stick their oil straight up their asses. They need to be talking about fixing the environment, educating the children, updating our infrastructure, not all this bullshit stuff.

People have to start holding these politicians accountable making their voices heard before we get ourselves deeper into an almost unfixable situation.


Anonymous said...

Remember Whitewater and all those people that wound up dead that were somehow connected to it? How come there was no scanadal around that either? Maybe people were afraid to say somtehting for fear of their own lives.Don't get me wrong I don't mind the blowjob either,but does that mean if GW did it,it wouldn't have been an issue? Did you notice how Hillary is starting to flip-flop now? She's leaning to the right because if she doesn't she won't win that vote when she runs in 2008.
We do need to do something about the oil situation though.because China is a big user of Mid East oil since they've become so much more industrialized the demand is much higher now. And the bigger the demand the higher the prices. I say let's take over all the oil over there and be done with it.

supplymadam said...

Wow,those are some powerful statements. I won't say I agree or disagree it may get me in trouble.

Anonymous said...

Will have to think about Terry Schiavo. I think if my son in law wanted to kill my daughter when I would be willing to take over her care I would hope the government would step in on her behalf.

Remember they were asked to step in by the family. They did not step in on their own.