Thursday, April 14, 2005

Things Along The Way.............

I just got back in from my run. When I am actually running I am in my own world, just me and my music up on the boardwalk. It's the cool down walk home where I notice little things and wonder:

How do pairs of sneakers end up hanging from power lines? Do people just get fed up with their sneakers and toss them up on the power lines? Is it a joke one person plays on another, I know I'd be pissed. I've always wondered how they get up there....

Then there's the oNE sock that lays in the middle of the road. Didn't this person notice as they were hopping home with one bare foot? How do you lose a sock in the road? I know the washer/dryer is a black hole for socks, but the road? Maybe the socks we end up missing from the wash make a run for it and the sock laying in the road is one that didn't make it.......

What about the people with no curtains or blinds on the windows of their home? What are they thinking? It's like living in Macy's store front. You walk by their house and you see everything that's going on. Don't they care that everyone passing and who lives near them can see everything? Maybe they are exhibitionists and get off on it.......

Then there are the people with backyards and decks who choose to BBQ and eat on their front lawns or driveways. What the fuck is that all about? Who wants to eat with traffic passing and auto fumes?

Then there are the lazy ass horn honkers who pull up at people's homes that refuse to either call them from their cell or get their fat asses out of the car to knock on the door. They just sit there and honk away forever.....but we've covered this topic already.

Just a few observances on the way home from a very windy run tonight......


Steph said...

I live in southern CA and in L.A. when you see tennis shoes (that's what we call them here, even if you don't play tennis) hanging over power lines, that means that it's a drug dealer's house. Or at least it used to.

Bridget Unnel said...

I heard the same thing as Steph about the sneakers on the wire. However, as I know from experience ... errr, as I mean from watching a friend, sometimes it's just because the older sister likes to torture the younger siblings.

supplymadam said...

Wow I never heard that abotu the drug dealers house! I need have a talk with my neighbor.