Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Small Talk

If there's one thing that annoys me more than anything it's idle chit chat. You know, small talk. You run into someone you sort of know on the street and you feel obligated to stop and listen to their small talk. It annoys me. I am a friendly guy, but I enjoy good conversation. The stop and chat and the small talk irritates me.

Even on the phone, I call vendors and suppliers all day and all they do is make small talk. The standard small talk is the weather chat. Suddenly everyone becomes a meteorologist and wants to discuss weather and weather patterns of the last six months. "Oh bad winter we had, huh?" they say. Just take my order or have something interesting to talk about! I'm not saying I have to have "deep" conversation with strangers, but at least make it interesting! If I want the weather forecast, I'll look out the window or turn on the TV!

If I run into you on the street or call you on the phone, humor me. Say something clever and somewhat interesting. Most of all, when telling a story, HAVE A POINT! It makes it so much more enjoyable for the listener!


erl said...

you need to practice the duck and run to avoid aquaintances on the street. personally, i have it perfected.

Charlie Mc said...

Teach me the duck and run! :)

supplymadam said...

Is bowling and dog talk suitable?

Molly said...

ugh I too abhor small talk. Most pointless conversations ever and I hate to feel like my time is wasted. Though I must say I am not the nicest of people when it comes to boring conversations, I will definitely bolt throwing lame excuses over my shoulder as I am running away!

Charlie Mc said...

Just fine supplymadam!

Anonymous said...

How 'bout this rain CMAC??? :)

erl said...

i'll teach you, i'm very good at it. ;)

Bridget Unnel said...

LOL - I had one yesterday. Walking out of the building at lunchtime, I casually said "hi, how are you" to the guy at the concierge desk. He responded: "Oh, not good. My mom has end-stage cancer and I'm just waiting for the good Lord to call her home." Damn! Why couldn't he just say "good and you?" like everyone else????

Anonymous said...

You know what's worse than small talk? Listening to someone breathe on the other end of the phone. STOP THAT BREATHING!!!

Lara said...

Oh, god, yes. Small talk SUCKS. Guess what? If I'm waiting in line at the grocery store, I don't care about what your little brat did in school today, or how your rash is doing, or anything relating to you at ALL.


Footprint said...

simple solution that works: answer in three words or less.

it's a little difficult at first, but it gives them nothing to go on to continue chit chatting.