Monday, April 04, 2005

Tasty Shapes

I’ve always wondered why different styles (shapes) of pasta taste differently. For instance rigatoni tastes much different than say, linguini. Logic would tell you that these should taste exactly the same because the ingredients used to make each “shape” of pasta are identical. Perhaps it is psychological, but maybe there’s something more to it.

It may have something to do with the texture of the pasta. Different textures may offer different levels of flavor. Also, tomato sauce adheres better to different types of pasta, which would enhance flavors. Small shells hold the sauce/cheese inside and offer a better balance of sauce/pasta whereas regular spaghetti is not the best choice if you want the sauce to stick to the pasta. There’s even ziti with or without the “lines” on it. I think the ziti with the “lines” tastes better because the sauce gets in those little crevices and brings out the flavor of the pasta.

Even “stuffed” pastas taste different. Ravioli tastes way different than tortellini. Stuffed shells taste different than manicotti. It’s all about the texture and the surface area of the pasta. Next time you order pasta, choose wisely!


Bridget Unnel said...

Strange, but I was looking at stuffed ravioli just this past weekend at Wegmans. Growing up, it was always nondescript "meat" or "cheese". It's a whole new world these days. They had a lobster-stuffed one, another was spinach-stuffed, another some high-falutin' pricey cheese one... a few others that I don't recall since I wasn't buying.

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmm, pasta! When are you cooking for us C-Mac?

Molly said...

I think it IS the texture. I am definitely picky about my pasta shapes. It also depends on what I am having which shapes I prefer.

supplymadam said...

So many clocks, Soooo little time!

supplymadam said...

Cmac looooooves pasta!

supplymadam said...

Okay so I left the clock comment on the pasta blog. oooops