Tuesday, April 05, 2005

My Opinion "Straight Up"

I enjoy American Idol very much. I like the fact that a virtual "nobody" makes it big. I enjoy the competition, the emotion, and the human side of the show. What annoys me most about the show is Paula Abdul. Granted, she sold millions of records back in the very late 1980's and early 1990's, but she was no Madonna. Paula is best known for her dancing and her choreography, not for her singing. Yet, she acts like a big know-it-all. She never has anything really constructive to say to help the contestants. She basically just pacifies the contestants and does not really critique them constructively. Even her clap annoys me. She uses her arms to clap, not her hands. It's quite annoying to watch. Her outfits are downright hideous and she has more makeup applied than Tammy Fae Baker. I think Paula is the only judge on there who could leave the show and it would not make an impact at all. She would be easily replaced by a real "singer." Her songs weren't all that great. "Straight Up"- "Forever Your Girl"-"Cold Hearted Snake"-"The Way That You Love Me"-"Opposites Attract"-"Knocked Out" etc. They were okay, but nothing to rave about. She sold a ton of albums, but so did Vanilla Ice...enough said. The executive producer should steal a lyric from Paula and say " A b-b-b-bye, b-b-b-bye" to her! Let's get a judge on there who can really "judge" singing. If they ever come up with an "American Dancer" show, hire Paula...she knows nothing about singing!


Anonymous said...

I liked Paula when I was young. I do agree though that the hand-arm clap has got to go. Also, what is it with the child-like anger that she has built-up toward Simon? If you want to be angry at someone, be angry darn it, don't put-up a hissy fit.

Anonymous said...

True! She is best known for her Laker-girl days and her help with choreography in videos. I know she helped Janet Jackson in many of her videos. She was an ok singer, nothing really to rave about. I think Miriah Carey would make a good judge on American Idol.

supplymadam said...

I don't watch that show often but I did notice she just takes up space.

Molly said...

Finally! I can comment.

First...I am offended that you mentioned Paula Abdul and Vanilla Ice in the same breath...

Secondly...one of my favorite things to do is mock Paula's clap. It drives me nuts every week.

Thirdly...I would miss Paula as I love her comments as one of my favorite games is guess which medication she is on each week.

Kristi said...

Isn't it possible to be a great coach even though you can't make your on voice or body do the tricks.
Olypmpic superstars don't have oympians for teachers. Nor do many amazing musicians.
she may be taking up space and be a on an emotional roller coaster, but she's entertaining.
Has anyone ever heard Simon sing??
I'm merely playing devils advocate is all.
I'll stop now......
Sorry that your enjoyment of the show has to be muttled by the annoyance of Paula. You're right she probably could leave and not make a big difference.