Saturday, April 30, 2005

Bruce Gets A Clean Bill Of Health

Bruce Visits The Vet Posted by Hello

This morning was Bruce's visit to the Vet for his post-rescue checkup. I am pleased to report that all tests came back great and that he is a healthy dog! The toughest part of the day was getting him into the pet carrier to take him there. At the Vet, he was loving life. He was mingling and working the room and flirting with all the female dogs. He is a real ladies dog! He got tons of attention in the waiting room from all the people too.He was eating treats, drinking water, and watching cartoons. He was great during the exam as well. I can't believe what a great dog he is. I am so pleased and happy to have Brucy Boy around. He is like my shadow though, EVERYWHERE I go, he follows me. He waits by the bathroom door when I shower, sits by the window and waits for me to return when I go someplace. He is the coolest.

The worst part of the Vet visit, the cheesy shirts the Vet and his staff wore. (See picture)!


Kristi said...

aww! Puppy!!!

Kerri Keberly said...

awwww. bruce is soooo cute! puppy dogs make me smile. don't tell anyone, though, okay? i'm supposed to be all bitter and shit.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to meet Bruce! He's awesome!

supplymadam said...

Lucky you. Angus wanted no part of the vet and now we have to have a mobile vet come to the house. I think he thinks he's going back to the pound or his previous owner. In the house he feels safe, outside the house he feels vulnerable. With all the love he gets from us I feel he will be the best dog he can be because he already loves us to death.
Glad to hear Bruce is a health nut just like his daddy. He's a great boy!

Anonymous said...

He is cute like his daddy too! ;)

So good to hear he is doing ok.