Monday, April 25, 2005

Bologna Smuggler Caught

No Phoney Bologna Posted by Hello

It's good to see that US Customs and Homeland Security are right on top of things. They caught a dude smuggling 845lbs. of bologna into the United States from Mexico. There were 80 rolls of bologna in his suitcases mixed in with his clothes. I'm sure the nasty smell alone gave this dude away. Did he think the bologna sniffing dogs weren't going to find this? He apparently was going to sell this bologna at a swap meet. Now that's a new one, peddling bologna. Why haven't I thought of this? There's a TON of cash in bologna sales. MMMMM nothing like bologna that was mixed in with some Mexican dude's dirty boxers. Yummy.

Meanwhile, I'm sure 100 illegals crossed the border with guns and weapons while the bologna task force attented to this big find. The guy was actually on a bus on his way to Albuquerque when they stopped at a checkpoint and the bologna was found. I'm sure the bologna smuggler had that famous Bugs Bunny quote in his head when he hit the checkpoint....."I knew that I should have made a left turn at Albuquerque!!!!"


Molly said...

I will rest easier tonight knowing that the illegal bologna will not be maing its way to my stomach in NC. Then again...I don't eat bologna so I guess I never had anything to worry about. Is there the death penalty for bologna smuggling or did he get off with a warning?

Anonymous said...

People still eat this stuff? I haven't had bologna since I was like 10. It's pretty nasty stuff.

I think the penalty for bologna smuggling should be that you have to eat the entire cache of smuggled bologna, in a "Fear Factor" type forum. That will surely kill him!

supplymadam said...

That is just too wierd. I've heard "hide the bologna" but this is way over the top!

erl said...

oh my god, every time i scroll down on your blog and i see that bologna i want to cry and throw up.