Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fools Day

Ok, so it's "April Fool's Day." What could I possibly do to the Sugar V today? Over the past month, I've already tortured him daily by switching all the keys on his keyboard, taking the ball out of his mouse, saran wrapping his telephone, hiding his jacket, leaving post it notes in his coat pockets that say "green jackets are for kid touchers" (which his girlfriend found), switching his nameplate with one of a fictitious employee, switched his chairs, wallpapered his cubicle in "Neverland" (Michael Jackson's) maps and pictures, etc. I think I am out of ideas! I should have saved some of those for today. It's only 9:30am, I am sure I will think of something.......I am open for suggestions!


Unknown said...

We should put an overdosed donkey in his cubicle

Anonymous said...

Get a couple of guys together, hold him down and tape him to his chair for an hour or two!

Molly said...

My bet is that this post is part of your evil APril Fool sday plan against Sugar...after all he will read it and think he is safe from further pranks, then you can really broadside him with something brilliant.

supplymadam said...

Last year I saw someone shrink wrap a car!