Monday, April 18, 2005

First Out of the Gate

For as long as I can remember and at almost every job I have ever had, I always get to work about 45 minutes to an hour early daily. I enjoy the hour or so with very few people around. I like to come in and open up my computer windows, put on my music, and ease into the day. By the time everyone gets here at the scheduled time, I am already fully mentally adjusted and ready to go. I like the morning chats with the Sugar V, the music, a little blogging, an e-mail or two, then the transition to work mode. The early start also allows me to beat a good portion of the traffic and makes my ride in more pleasant. I am sort of like a boxer before heading into the ring, I like the time to collect my thoughts and pump myself up for what lies ahead. Sure, I give these bastards a free hour a day, but for my sanity, it's worth it. I do, however, bolt at the scheduled time of can set your watch to that!


Unknown said...

Yeah the morning talks are great, but they would be better if you put on some pants.

supplymadam said...

Hey, do you guys have a love-hate thing going on?

Anonymous said...

You are still doing that early crap? You are too much!

Molly said...

I like to be awake early to watch sportscenter and do other stuff, but in no way do I ever want to be at my office any earlier than necessary!