Friday, April 01, 2005

Daytime TV

I was home the last couple of days. The weather was great and I enjoyed being back in full gear with my running and other outdoor activities. At certain points in the day, I'd come in and put the TV on while I showered or dressed or had lunch. How can people sit home regularly and watch daytime TV? I think it is the most horrible form of television. These talk shows are insane. They had these "paternity tests" on the Maury show where women try to find out who the father of their babies are. Well, let me tell you something, it was CRAZY! They had a woman on there for the 7th time testing man #11 to find out if he was the dad, turns out he was not either. Ok, let me discuss this for a second. I can see if someone had sex with TWO people in the course of a month and got pregnant and was confused as to who the daddy was. I'm even liberal enough to say THREE would be "acceptable." But ELEVEN and counting? What the hell is going on out there? What woman not only sleeps with ELEVEN+ guys in a month's span, but uses no protection and does not even tell them to at least pull out? What the fuck? That totally grossed me out.

Has every celebrity gotten their own talk show at some point? Tony Danza, Ellen, Jane Pauly....everyone has a freakin' show! They sit around and talk about the same shit with the same stale jokes. Who can enjoy that? What happened to that Sally Jessie Raphael woman with the big red glasses? She was wacky.

What's even worse are those court shows. Judge Judy, Judge Mathis, People's Court, and a whole host of other court shows. Who the fuck cares about someone else's problems or legal battles? Don't we have our own lives and our own issues to deal with? People really enjoy seeing other people battle in court over a $500 broken windshield?

Then there's Oprah. Have you seen the excitement and the craziness of the crowd when this woman steps on stage? The women in the audience go ape shit! It's like a cult following. I think if Oprah told these people to drink the "Kool-Aid" they all would without hesitation! These people are crazed and agree with ANYTHING Oprah says! It's a scary situation out there in Chicago.

I think the only good daytime show/person is Dr. Phil. He tells it like it is and does not baby people. More shrinks that people see weekly should be like him. He does not let people make excuses for their behavior or their issues. He puts them in their place and makes them realize they cause most of the drama and shit in their lives. Maybe if more shrinks were like him, we would not have all these people walking around making excuses as to why their life sucks and why they have issues and people would take some kind of ownership for what they do to others instead of always blaming it on their childhood or something else. I like his style and his approach. He is no-nonsense.

Needless to say, the time off and the weather was great. I am not sure how people would rather be home watching that crap rather than at work or out and about doing stuff. The hour or two I flipped through these channels the last two days was more than enough for me.......


Anonymous said...

I love Oprah!! ANd she spawned Dr. Phil you know, so that means you also love Oprah :)

Molly said...

I think the only daytime television worth watching is the comedies, ya know SOAP OPERAS! They crack me up. I think it would be the best job in the world to be an actress on a soap.

supplymadam said...

I'm an Oprah fan too! She has some good stuff on her show(most of the time) Me and Peggy Bundy with the bon-bons.
The rest of daytime TV is just juvenile.

Anonymous said...

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!