Monday, April 11, 2005

Loud Commercials

I hate when you have your TV at a certain volume and you are enjoying a show, then they break for commercial and the volume of the commercial is like five times the level of the show you are watching. What's the fuckin' deal with that? You are all into American Idol, singing along, then some fuckin' KFC commercial comes on full blast! You lower the TV so the KFC jingle or whatever the cheesy commercial is isn't blaring then when it gets back to the show after the three minutes of commercials, the show is so low once again. This pisses me off. This seems to happen more on cable channels when these local business commercials come on. You are watching the Yankees, then they break between innings and you get some douche bag dressed as Ben Franklin selling used Chevy's at a local car dealership FULL FUCKIN' BLAST. Let me keep my TV at one volume instead of having to adjust it for all these cheesy ass commercials.


Bridget Unnel said...

Speak up, I can't hear you!

Molly said...

Tru dat! I hate that you have to constantly sit there with the remote poised ready to adjust the volume, it is practically a game. Or when you switch to another channel during commercials and it is a lot louder or quieter. I have this problem if I am watching a show and I switch to a basketball/baseball game the game is always a lot louder...then I flip back to my show and can't hear a bit of the dialogue

erl said...

The worst are those commercials that just YELL AT YOU ABOUT EVERYTHING, even if the volume doesn't necessary change. I've found they are mainly car commercials or commercials for rap CDs. I dont know why they think people will be MORE INCLINED TO BUY THEIR PRODUCT IF THEY ARE BEING YELLED AT.

supplymadam said...

I'm tired of commercials. First of all you have to pay for your cable and then you get interupted by com-mercials.Then they have the nerve to have them blow out your eardrums
I know they need sponsors but how many and how often?