Monday, April 18, 2005

"I Saw The Sign, and It Opened Up My Eyes"

Yeah, like this is going to work.... Posted by Hello

I mean really now, is this sign in the bathroom really going to make the six out of ten people who choose to not wash their hands after using the bathroom think about it? I'm sure this is going to stop them dead in their tracks and give them instant hygiene awareness. It's stupidity like this that I see daily that just cracks me up. Should we really require a sign to let people know that they SHOULD wash their hands after wiping their ass? If we need to post a sign.....I think that says it all.


erl said...

ha! so seinfeld!

supplymadam said...

Really now that you put it that way....

Molly said...

In the days of lawsuits for everything, signage is VERY important it means no liability if you contract some sketchy disease from a person who didn't wash their hands...not the companies fault!

Anonymous said...

Did you know in Taiwan they don't use toilet paper? Bad for the enviroment. Well let me tell you that using your f.... hand to wipe your f.... ass is just nasty and absolutely frigin disgusting. I'll give you "bad for the enviroment"