Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Why is it that we can give such great advice to our friends and loved ones, but when when WE are faced with these same situations we can't take our own advice? Is it because it's easy to give advice when you are not mentally or emotionally attached to a situation, person, or event? That must be it. I am a master at giving sound, logical advice. But, when it comes to my situations, I can't follow what I know is the right thing because emotions cloud my judgments sometimes. Is this normal for everyone, or am I just messed up?

I enjoy giving advice. Sure, I am relatively young and have a ton to learn yet, but the advantage I think I have in the advice department is my experience with people. I was managing people in the business world at age 18. I managed people from all walks of life, all races, religions, ages, and personal situations. I listened to and learned from these people. I realized when I was younger that people have different strengths and weaknesses and that there is good in everyone. I may be still naive in the sense that I will always look for and focus on the good in a person. Sure, I see the bad stuff too, but it's the glimmer of good, even in a "bad" person that fascinates me. I really think there is good in all of us, genuine good. I think this goodness gets hidden or supressed by events in someone's life. It's still there, just not shown as much as it probably should be. I am a pretty good judge of someone's character. Sure, I've been wrong. We all get first impressions of people we think are assholes that turn out to be great. We also get first impressions of people and think they are amazing until we scratch below the surface. Occasionally, the radar goes off-line. But, more times than not, I am pretty good at it.

Do you feel confident or comfortable giving a close friend advice? Do you ever fear he/she will take that advice and it will turn out to be wrong? Personally, I listen to advice, analyze it, but I ALMOST always follow my heart or my gut instinct. Sometimes I am right, sometimes I wish I had listened to someone else....all part of the voyage we know as life.

I used to follow my heart, not my brain. Now I try to be more logical and my logic supersedes my heart. I don't like it. I think when I used to follow my heart, I had better results. I guess it's the fear of being hurt, rejected, or something else that's bad that makes me this way now. If I followed my heart, I'd be making different choices than I have been lately.

Love to hear your opinions on advice and on following your heart or logic.....


supplymadam said...

Advice is a sensitive issue for me.I want to give more than I do but sometimes have to bite my tongue(OUCH)!
I feel I can give good advice but I try to put myself in that persons shoes that I am giving it to. I think I would have made a good psychologist due to my overwhelming sense of insight.Not that I am tooting my own horn or anything I think sometimes I think I just got it going on.

Anonymous said...

No question, follow your heart! If you think you should be with someone or somewhere then follow your heart. Take the chance.

Charlie Mc said...

hahahahahaha SUGAR V!!!! Your famous advice!

Anonymous said...

Follow the heart for the short term, follow the logic for the long term.

Molly said...

It is definitely easier to give other people advice as you only have to use your brain. Once the "heart" ( I prefer to use the term hormones as that is a little more technically correct) is involved all bets are off making it hard to be "smart" about a situation.

Personally it depends on the situation if I use the brain or the heart...I'm pretty good at using my brain BUT there are certain people that always get a free pass...

erl said...

i always desperately want to follow my head but end up following my heart. i would much rather follow my head though, as wimpy as that sounds.

Anonymous said...

When providing advice, IMHO it's best not to tell the other person what to do. Though we all have our opinions and we just can't help ourselves. People inevitably make their own decisions. Often when we are dealing with a problem we don't realize that there are more options, more choices than what stands before us. As the cliche goes, life is not black and white. Neither are we so limitted in choice when making important decisions. Helping someone to look at things in a different way; allowing them to discover what else lies before them is often the best advice to give. The rest often goes ignored.

With regard to the heart vs logic. Logic can be used to come to any ridiculous conclusion - our government officials prove this on a dialy basis. Following your heart completely unchecked can lead to all sorts of nonsense as well. I guess both are important. Logic is like driving a car, with your heart being the map. If we can think about things logically and let our heart guide us along, maybe we can avoid getting into too much trouble :)