Friday, April 08, 2005

Enough Political Correctness

They are even fucking with Cookie Monster now!

First PBS announced that "Sesame Street" would kick off its 35th season this week with a multiyear story arc about healthy habits. No problem there; childhood obesity rates are soaring. Then I learned of changes that turned my "Sesame Street" world upside-down.
My beloved blue, furry monster -- who sang "C is for cookie, that's good enough for me" -- is now advocating eating healthy. There's even a new song -- "A Cookie Is a Sometimes Food," where Cookie Monster learns there are "anytime" foods and "sometimes" foods.

Let the little blue bastard eat his cookies! What has the world come to where Cookie Monster has to eat carrots? It's up to parents to teach their kids about healthy foods, not a fucking puppet! What has the world come to?

"Sesame Street" also will introduce new characters, such as talking eggplants and carrots, and offer parodies, such as "American Fruit Stand." Even guest stars will address healthy activities. What kid wants to look at a fuckin' eggplant dancing around? The world is even more fucked up than I originally thought it was!


supplymadam said...

I agree with you on that one. I think kids should be exposed to healthy foods growing up. I don't get it. I'm not justifying fast food but with single moms and working moms on the rise I think people find it easier to take out because they are just so tired. But I feel it is the parents responsibility to introduce healthy eating. The new thing is in schools the game of tag no one is considered "out". Teach the confidence at home so "out" isn't the end of the frigin world.

Molly said...

I am waiting for C-Monster to start singing C is for cookie after you've eaten your daily recommended alotment of fruits and vegetables and exercised for an hour, it's good enough for me! Sure it may change the integrity of the character but I heard C-Monster was looking forward to the extra lines :-)

erl said...

thank you!! PC-ness is rampant, and completely and utterly out of control.

Anonymous said...

I think the new song should be C is for C-Mac!

Bridget Unnel said...

Me bad. When I first read the news, the professional in me must have been in charge of the brain as my first thought was "now, there's an interesting PR move." The child in me has resumed control and is now screaming "BOO HISS!!"

Anonymous said...

Okay, cookie monster is FINE. And for any parent who is having serious problems getting their kids to eat healthy because of Cookie Monster, they can just say "Look. Cookie Monster has a mom and a dad, and they make him eat his vegetables too. So eat, and then we can discuss a cookie (perhaps one sweetened with fruit juice)."


Kristi said...

I love Cookie Monster!!

I am a single mom and i do work full time. However, my daughter knows what she can and can't eat and i don't think she's ever even had the chance to watch Sesame Street Once!! (only because she's been in daycare they don't watch mainstream T.V.)
so they scmuck it up.
Thats like oscare without his Can!!!

What The Hell!!