Friday, April 01, 2005

"Spring Ahead"

Tomorrow night is one of my favorite nights of the year, "spring ahead" night! Ok, so we lose an hour of sleep, but look at what we gain, SUNLIGHT! It's so awesome when you can come home and get a few hours of light to run, hit the beach, bbq, and other outdoor stuff. I'd sacrifice TWO hours of sleep tomorrow night! It only sucks tomorrow night out at the bar when you lose an hour of drinking and they really close at 3am instead of 4am! Again, well worth the sacrifice! Sunday Night, sunset at about 7:30PM, followed by opening night at Yankee Stadium......does life get any better? It was a long, cold, shitty winter....a winter filled with weather and events I plan on forgetting forever.....this weekend will put the final nail in winter's coffin of memories for me!


Molly said...

I don't usually mind springing ahead but THIS weekend is not so great...It cuts into my Saturday Night Cosmic Bowling, AND means I have to be up even earlier to drive back to town for my Fantasy baseball draft first thing Sunday morning. It is going to be a rough time.

Anonymous said...

Summer C-Mac! I've known you for going on FIVE summers already? I know how much you love it, or should I say loooooove it?!

Springing ahead is definitely great! Although being a trainer and having to work at 6am Sunday is a killer and will be rough this weekend. There will definitely be a Sunday afternoon nap before the Yankee game on Sunday night.