Monday, April 04, 2005

A Labor Intensive "Spring Ahead"

I never realize how many clocks I have in my house until it comes time to set them ahead or turn them back. Look at this list that I had to cover Saturday Night to “Spring Ahead”

1) Microwave in dining room
2) Microwave in kitchen
3) Kitchen wall clock
4) Kitchen radio clock
5) Living room stereo clock
6) Living room decorative (mantle) clock
7) TV clock
8) Bathroom Radio clock
9) Bathroom Wall clock
10) Bedroom stereo clock
11) Bedroom TV clock
12) Bedroom alarm clock
13) Bedroom “decorative” clock on entertainment center
14) Guest room alarm clock
15) Guest room TV clock
16) 4 watches (that I use) I left the other 8 to fend for themselves
17) Clock on my walkman that I use for running
18) Clock in my car

I am glad to say my cell phone changes itself. I am also thankful the fridge and the washer don’t have built in clocks. I could use a vacation day after all that work…..The worst part of all this was the few radios that I no longer have instruction manuals for, trying to get in “clock mode” on some of these devices requires a degree from Sony. Not sure how many clocks Tatiana has in her room or bathroom, but she’s on her own for those! I am officially “clocked out.”


Bridget Unnel said...

That's an awful lot of clocks, buddy. Are you the guy in that eBay commercial or what?

Anonymous said...

How long did it take you to do all that? You are wacky with all those time devices C-Mac!

Molly said...

Wow! That is a WHOLE lotta clocks. I pace myself and kind of change the clocks as I go through the week. Luckily my televisions, VCRs and cell phone change themselves, that cuts down on the time changing work!

supplymadam said...

Sooo many clocks,sooo little time!