The White Trash Jackpot

Can you believe this story? These dudes dig in their yard and find a box full of money. The box is about a century old containing cash, gold certificates, and silver certificates. It's estimated to be worth about $100,000! This guy can finally take a shower and get himself some new clothes, and maybe move out of his trailer home. What the hell? I dig in my yard, it's dog shit, rocks, and maybe some buried tin cans. Talk about luck.....digging and finding $100,000. This dude can step it up from Old Milwaukee Beer to maybe Budweiser. He can throw away his 12" black and white TV with the rabbit ear antenna and get himself a nice color set. Maybe throw out that spaghetti sauce stained wife beater and get himself a new pack of wife beaters. Some guys have all the luck.....
I was super excited when I made my garden here a couple years ago and dug up an old beer bottle. You know the kind. Stubby, short. I cleaned it all up like a special treasure and call it an antique! Sits on my window sill.
$100,000 would have been a way better thing.
Plans for tonight: Dig up back yard in search of money!
Where the Hell is my shovel?????????????????????
You know what they say -- all the good ones are either married or gay. The rest? Why, they find trunks stuffed with treasure in their backyard! DAMN!!
The guy will have it spent in one month.
Hey Bubba maybe now I can get some teeth! eeh,eeh,eeh!
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