The Sun Sets On Another Weekend...

Well, it's Sunday Night and the sun is setting. I took the above picture a few minutes ago down the block. Is it me or do the weekends really go way too fast? Two work days go SO SLOW and NEVER END! Two days at home go so fast.
This weekend it rained from Friday Night until this afternoon, so the sun you see in the picture we only saw for about 6 hours this weekend. That blows. We got spoiled with 75 degree temperatures for two weekends, now the last TWO weekends have been stormy. I hate rain on weekends. It BETTER be a good, hot beach summer!
Despite the rain and the Yankees losing two out of three to the BLUE JAYS, it was a pretty good weekend. Lots of drinking, lots of cooking, a pretty ok weekend overall. What makes it better, I have tomorrow OFF! (It's supposed to rain again though) Still beats a day in the office!
Happy day off! I'm so jealous. Enjoy the sunshine....
Enjoy your day off, I wish that I could say the same. Back to the grind after a weekend of fun in NY is definitely hurting!
Yankees are starting to worry me. Glad you had a grrrreat weekend Mac. Mine was pretty okay too!
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