Thursday, May 05, 2005

Crazy Shit Done For Money/Dares

I was thinking of some crazy stuff I've done over the years for either money or on a dare. You know the money deal, your buddies say, "I'll give you $20.00, if you do_______" Here are a list of things I've done or I've had my friends do for cash or a dare, some of this is pretty wacky shit.

1) The Polar Bear- I swam in the Long Island Sound on a January Night (35 degree water) for 10 minutes for $32.50 I was never so cold in my life. The deal was I had to stay in the water for 10 minutes (timed of course) and I had to be up to my shoulders in water. This was on a whim. We were coming back from a dinner somewhere and we got to talking about how cold the water must be, and you know what happens from there...everyone starts talking shit, before I knew it I was swimming.

2) Christmas in Summer- On a dare, I dressed up in a Santa Suit and got into my friend's convertible with a bunch of other friends where we cruised up and down Deer Park Avenue (which is the cruisin' strip here on LI) with Christmas music blasting at 10PM on a hot summer night. I stood in the car yelling "ho, ho, ho" and waving for about an hour. People actually reacted well, waving, blowing was actually fun.

3) Car Rodeos- For a cash jackpot we would have car rodeos in supermarket parking lots. There would be eight contestants. Each of us, one at a time, would sit on the roof of a car. The driver would then do crazy moves at high and low speeds to try to knock us off the cars. Each person was timed. The top four best times would go to the final four and of those four, there would be one grand prize winner after another round of rodeo. The prize was usually about $40 or a case of beer. There was many a night at the ER. Thankfully I never got too hurt! Just a few scrapes!

4) The Hatchet- This was just for fun too. We did this mainly in summer. My friends would dress me up in a combination of all crazy old Halloween costumes, part Superman, part goblin, part whatever was found in the garage. I looked like a total freak. I would then get a mini hatchet out of the garage and we'd all get in the car. I would then have to hide in bushes outside restaurant windows. When people would be seated in that booth by the window I'd hop out of the bushes and tap the window with the hatchet, scaring the shit out of the people eating at the booth. I would then run to the waiting getaway car and we'd speed off. One night they told me to run into a Taco Bell weilding the hatchet dressed in this freak costume. My friends said run in on the South side doors, run across the restaurant and exit the north side doors, we'll be waiting with the car there. Well, nobody told me the north side doors get locked at 9pm. It was about 9:30pm now. So I go running at top speed in one door yelling with the hatchet (people start scattering every direction).....I run at top speed toward the north side doors where the car loaded with my buddies are waiting. BOOM, I run into a locked door and fall right on my ass. Three employees of the store hop the counter and chase me back out the door I came in. I am lucky I did not get my ass kicked.

5)The Lemon Ice- So me and my friends are on a long-ass roller coaster line at Six Flags in NJ. We are bored just waiting for the line to move....when a light bulb (a very dim one) goes off in my head. There was this big steroid dude eating a lemon ice like 5 people ahead of us. I dared one of my friends (who of course was about 5'7 and all of 140lbs) to just go up to the dude, say nothing, and just take a big lick of his lemon ice. We pooled money together which totaled $26.00 and told him it was his if he did it. My friend marches up, sticks out his tongue and just licks this dude's lemon ice. This dude FLIPPED OUT! We all had to calm this guy down because he was frantic over his $2 lemon ice. We gave our buddy the $26.00 and bought the crazy dude a new ice. It was HILARIOUS!

I have plenty more of these stories, but I'll save some for a rainy day......

I'd love to hear some of yours!


erl said...

finally!!! i've been waiting for this entry. Hilarious!

Charlie Mc said...

Glad you liked them! Liz, I have so many of these stories. I was definitely out of my mind a few years back! The scary part is that most of this shit was done totally sober!

Jenni said...

I like how you swam in freezing water for $32.50. The hatchet? You should have acquired the survelance footage of that one! Hilarious! Very random. Kinda like the time two of my friends and I hopped into my friend Amanda's Honda CRX (affectionately named "The Cervix") and drove across the rather long foot bridge on the college campus we were attending. There were no bets, it was all about praise and distinction and being the only people I had ever heard of to do something like that. If we would have been caught we would have definately gone to jail, which was all the reason to do it in the first place. I remember we passed one loan, drunk freshman looking individual who watched us the whole way and cheerd us on. I bet his friends thought he had lost it when he went back to the dorms and told them what he saw. Ah, memories!

Charlie Mc said...

hahaha, great story Jenni! These are the things legends are made of!

Unknown said...

50 bucks says you cant finish a bottle of nivea cream in 15 minutes

Kristi said...


love the hatchet story. Although I'm sure a mere stunt like that would make the papers.
"Super Freak weilding a hatchet. Keep your doors locked as it appears this creature has troubles with that!"

Charlie Mc said...

Haha Kristi....glad you got a good laugh out of my stupidity! :)

Darcey said...

I can't think of too much I've been dared to do for money, at least nothing exciting.

Though in high school my friends pooled together $15 to see if I could be quiet for 5 whole minutes (I was kinda a talker, if you couldn't already tell). They would ask me point-blank questions and talk about my favorite subjects and then start telling stories about me to get me to blush (their other favorite game "how many shades of red can we turn her with the dirt we have on her?"). That was the longest 5 minutes of my life.

But your taco bell story reminded me of my dad at halloween (in a good way). He'd get dressed up in coveralls with a bird mask and newspaper stuffed in the clothing to look fake, and then he'd sit in the front yard with the candy bowl in his lap. Of course, kids weren't sure he was real, so they were really nervous about approaching - and then he would move, sending handfuls of candy flying everywhere. He scared a bunch of teenage boys so badly they came back an attacked him with silly string at one point. Anyway, he decided to stalk the neighborhood and sees a guy delivering pizza... he climbs into the back of the guy's truck bed and waits until the guy is in the cab, counting his money. And then my dad jumps up in the rear window, sending a girly-man scream and money flying everywhere. And then my dad just cackles and runs off into the bushes...

Darcey said...

My dad so does kickass. I think he has Peter Pan syndrome sometimes. I love it.