Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Office Traffic Cop for Hire

Not sure how many of the daytime "Bored at the Beach" readers work in an office, but if you do, you'll be able to relate to what I am going to write. Thankfully, I have my own office at work and don't sit in the dreaded cube anymore. Not sure how I landed an office, but that's another topic. My point is, when I leave my office and have to go to other parts of the building, it's a pain in the ass to see around the corners of these cubicles! I almost run about 10 people over a day! Either that or some douche bag is carrying a boiling cup of tea and is not watching where they go and he almost spills it all over me. Just what I need, a 3rd degree burn from a fuckin' cup of Lipton. They should have mirrors you can look in to see people coming around these bends. Either that, or an office traffic cop. Hell, we waste enough money around here, what's another salary? There are about three dozen people I can think of off the top of my head that don't do anything here, what's another employee? At least he/she will be doing something useful. When I come around these bends I usually almost always come close to running over the 5'1 woman that you can't see over the wall. Either that or the 400lb woman comes close to steamrolling me. I say an office traffic cop on every cubicle corner to avoid these mishaps. Is that asking too much? Where is that suggestion box? Hope it's on an anonymous basis only.......


The Diva ♥ said...

You wouldn't have this problem if you worked in Johnnie Walkers office ;)

Charlie Mc said...

Very true BLUE! :)

Bendersgurl- That's what we are all here for, to keep you company! :)

WordWhiz said...

NO anonymous comments or suggestions will be accepted! (Coward!)

Just kidding...

I also work in a little box, with no way to even SEE a window. I have no clue what the weather is like. Your traffic cop idea is a GREAT idea, so long as they're not going to monitor my blog visits when I'm supposed to be working. (I hope the IS department isn't doing that already...YIKES!)

True Jersey Girl said...

At my office, we used to have "Dangerous Intersection" signs so that you wouldn't get run over by the 400 lb woman with hot tea.

Darcey said...

Our cubes are all in clusters around our office with a couple of main thoroughfares. It helps most of the congestion, save for the area right around the breakroom. Y'see, there's a corner leading into it from both directions. People take that left & right turn close to the wall, whether you're coming or going.

Let's just say that me wearing a white top plus coworker carrying a large glass of (cold) water equals me turning multiple shades of red.

Charlie Mc said...

I won't be a perv Muse, but I would not mind seeing that and you turning red.... :)

Lara said...

Oh, I hear your pain, brother, I hear it. I just got my own office after five years of cubicle life...I couldn't love it more. NO MORE STUPID PEOPLE sitting next to me trying to talk to me all day!



Charlie Mc said...

hahahaha PENIS CREAMS! Oh yeah, time to re-order...I have to get my left hand as big as my right!!!

Charlie Mc said...

I am just teasing u freaky!!! :) you rock!

supplymadam said...

How about a little sound as you approach the usual suspects like a throat clear or a little under the breath "psssst" or just yell "COMING THROUGH,PLEASE YIELD"!

Miss_Vicki said...

Jesus I can't keep up with you every time I miss a day I come over here and have to read 10 frigging blogs ;) (j/k I love your blog, it's awesome!)

I bet everyone would vote a cop that looked somethin' like this:

Oh, and the Yankees suck! Take a picture buddy, they are seriously goin down this year. Care to put your "money" where your mouth is? :op

Jillian said...

I'll take the job!!!!!! Only if I get handcuffs & a BIG Gun!!!!!!!!!

Charlie Mc said...

anything for you JIll! :)

Admin said...

I landed a window/door office myself, but the interior is all filled with cubes, and is set up like midtown--other than Broadway, it's all right angles. I can see over the cubes if I'm wearing loafers and stand on tippy-toe; I'm 5'5" barefoot, and only hit as high as 120 lbs. in the winter when I'm fat.

Clogs or biker boots are the ideal solution for seeing over the cubes. They still won't stop me from crashing into a 5" tall Russian Tea Cake, going around a corner, but guess which one ends up bouncing off into a wall, support post, or the side of a cube? It's not me!

Make like Ripper over at www.transithell.com, and put on your commuting shoulders! That 6'3" 250 lb. guy running for the train in Hoboken Terminal who thinks he can bowl me over like a 9-pin when he's making a mad dash for his train, always bounces off me and looks really stunned, even if he doesn't hit the concrete face first. As a commuter, you can't tackle, but you can block! Nobody shorter than I even stands a chance, whether it's in a train terminal or at my office.

Panthergirl said...

I have a windowed office, but a few years ago the powers-that-be decided that NO ONE should have a freakin' DOOR.

I've noticed something really bizarre. When two women are talking, about work, in an office with no door... people just walk in and interrupt as though we're just "chatting". What's up with that???

My favorite dynamic amongst the cubicle dwellers is the "prairie dog syndrome". There's always someone who pops up from the cubicle to interject into a nearby conversation... cracks me up every time!

Anonymous said...

The Prairie Dog Syndrome, that's a good one!