When I get to the checkout I like to bag my own groceries. I have a system and I like to keep frozen stuff together, cleaning products together, etc. Four out of the last six or so times I've gone shopping, I've had this disabled kid as a bagger who insisted on bagging my groceries for me. Let me preface my story by saying that I think it's wonderful that young people with disabilities are out working and being independent. Over the years some of my best employees were those with autism, cerebral palsy, or down's syndrome. Honestly, when I really need help while shopping in any store or in a fast food place, I always seek out the disabled worker because of their willingness and eagerness to help. They are really into their jobs and are wonderful to interact with.

Watch My Eggs, FUCKER!

The issue I had today and the last four times this kid bagged my groceries was that he fucked everything up. I am talking bread with 2-liter diet cokes, pineapples with paper towels, cheese with Tide detergent, just an entire fuck up. Not to mention he created 20 bags, when there should have been maybe 10. The awkward part of it is, can I really say something without being politically incorrect? I know the guy is trying and I was actually bagging my own today when he appeared out of virtually nowhere, nudged me out of the way and took over the operation. I was cringing as I saw english muffins go into the bag with a half gallon of OJ right behind it. I basically had to sit there and bite my tongue as not to offend him, the cashier, or the people behind me on the line, if I said something or showed him what he was doing wrong. It's a shame that in 2005 you basically have to watch everything you say or do even if your intentions are good, in fear of offending someone. So, I wheeled my $110.00 worth of crushed groceries to the car, and headed home.
Anyone up for a 1cm thick english muffin? How about some crushed grapes? Personally, the fresh strawberry jam that was made from my fresh strawberries being pummeled by a whole watermelon is my favorite. Perhaps I can spread that on the new "Ultra-Thin" Thomas's English Muffins I now have.
you should insist that the grocery store have more "specials" and stop hiring them.
I feel your pain, and the scenerio was hysterical to read.... I would just LOVE some steamrolled english muffins with that FABULOUS grape puree you conjured up using a half gallon jug of OJ and a watermelon. I can see how the situation was awkward, but I'd take it any day over say.... finding your mom in the pantry 'huffing' out of an aerosol can (for example).
I hear your pain. I hate having to cary 20 bags in one trip up four fleets of stairs. You could make some grape jelly out of those crush grapes. I like grape jelly. Grape Ape!
Now that's a tough one. Maybe next time you can use positive reinforcement like- Thanx so much for your help. Would you mind if I just make sure my english muffins are packed with say my bread so it doesn't get crushed? If they don't get it then just smack them in the head!
I probably would have said something, politely, of course. Something to the effect of the heavier stuff should go on the bottom of the bag, not on top of the stuff that's easily squished. That doesn't strike me as being rude.
Honey, it is perfectly okay to say something, however, I would try and bring the manager aside and talk to him about it. Most places who hire disabled help are willing to go the extra mile to teach them the proper way of doing things, even if they have to do it more than once. Just mention to the manager that you really enjoy the customer service from this kid, but that you're concerned with the state of your eggs/bread/fruit/whatever when he bags your groceries. This manager will find a tactful way to explain it to him, and everyone of the customers would appreciate you speaking up. :)
Its just like the mentally retarded guy at work with the "sports paraphernalia" who I always have to talk to otherwise he'll drool and pee on himself.
Thanks everyone, next time I am going to call his ass out on messing up my groceries! haha Guilt Free!
Tough situation. I think I'd scope out the aisle he's working in advance and move to one at the opposite end. I'm fairly particular, too, which brings me to my only complaint against Wegman's. Yes, I have boobies, but I think I can carry more than three items in one of your plastic bags at a time! Load those suckers up or, better yet, let me bag PLEASE!!
You can cut down on mishaps if you ask for Paper as it is much harder to pack a paper bag and requires some careful packing resulting in like objects being grouped. I too hate the plethora of bags you are loaded down with...it really is okay to put more than ONE item in each bag.
Just tell him next time to go take his break, that you can handle the bagging yourself! Give him a buck for a cold soda...
Danika, that's hilarious! Ramen noodles? naaaaaaaaah, this boy looooves cooking! hahaha
I buy lots of stuff, plenty of fruits, veggies, water, a snack here and there, meat...enough for a week! 10 bags is nothing! :)
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