Can't Dig Fast Enough!

Have you ever gotten yourself in such an awkward or embarrassing situation that your only option to escape it would have been to have dug yourself a hole and hid in it? I mean where all eyes were focused on you and you could not go anywhere and you were mortified over something? I have a great story from when I was about 19 years old.
I was dating this girl named Donna. She was about a year and a half younger than me. She was my first real "girlfriend" and I was her first boyfriend. We were also each other's first sexual partner. At the time of this story I had been dating her about a year and a half and we had just started having sex about six months prior to what I am about to mention. In addition to condoms, we thought it may be wise for her to go on the pill as well, just to be safe. So she went to the doctor and went on the pill. Keep in mind, she came from a strict Italian family and her parents had NO idea she was having sex. After all she was 18 and I was 19.
She had a sister who was married with a small child. Her niece was adorable and Donna and I would take her everywhere. Her niece had a curious side of her, as all kids do and would get into everything. So, one night I was invited to a huge family dinner at Donna's home. ALL of her relatives were there. Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Siblings, Grandparents, and of course, her parents. So we had just finished dinner and everyone was sitting around talking. Donna's little niece was roaming about and nobody was paying much attention. All of a sudden the niece yells to Donna's Mom, "Grandma, can I have some of this candy?" Everyone looked as Donna's niece was waving her birth control pills that she had taken out of Donna's purse. Well all eyes went from her niece right to me. Everyone in the room basically had just been made aware that I was having sex with Donna. Quite an embarrassing moment. I couldn't just leave, I had to kind of pretend that it did not happen and just act normal, but I felt SO awkward. If I had a shovel I would have dug myself a hole right there and hid!
Have any of you ever had an embarrassing experience like this?
Man o'man can I relate. My girlfriend was 16 and I was 17. We did the same thing, got on the pill. Her mother did not like me to begin with and had she known I was having sex with her daughter she probally would have killed me. Anyways, her mom had gone through her purse one night and found the pills. Then, the next day at dinner her mom decided it was time to confront us. There was only us and her parents so there were not as many eyes on me, but the rest of the evening was very quiet. I could not wait to get home. But wait, theres more. When I got home, my mom asked me how long we had been having sex. Her mom had called mine. It was a bad night.
I'm sure there has been an embarrasing moment like that but I can't think of it right now. But you handled it the way most of would have-Just pretend it never happened and hope to exit stage right ASAP.
No - Donna and I were much more discreet. ;)
I would have DIED right there on the spot. Sounds like you handled it well!
I have one that I still want to dig a hole when I even think about it. I was visiting a client of mine who I worked with very indirectly. We had always talked and chatted about things, especially her son who was in Iraq. Well, I hadn't seen her in awhile and didn't think anything of it because sometimes I would go a couple of weeks without seeing her. Anyway, we started talking and she was mentioning the war over in Iraq and random things about it and I asked "By the way, how's your son?" As I was asking it I immediately got this lump in my throat like I probably shouldn't ask that question and wham I was hit with the biggest stupid bat when she started crying. APPARANTLY, her boss (who I deal with on a regualr basis), FORGOT to tell me that her son was killed and was actually the first Minnesota casuality in the war. I WANTED TO DIE. All I could say is "I am so sorry." "I am so sorry, I didn't know." Now, I totally knew who he was, his face was all over the news, I just didn't put two and two togeather and I honestly didn't even know her last name to put two and two togeather. I felt like an ass, and if I could have dug a hole, I would have dug one right there in her office. She forgave me and said she didn't expect me to know, but that still didn't make anything better for me.
After I left I called her boss and yelled at him. His response "Oh, yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you." "OH YEAH, I GUESS I FORGOT TO TELL YOU??!!" "ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!" Then I hung up the phone. Sheesh! Some people!
Jenn, I remember you telling me when that happened.
Cahrlie, I've got so many of these I wouldn't even know where to start! But it's all about the recovery.
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