Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Construction Zone Flag Guy

On my way to work today I realized what I really want to do for a living. I passed a construction zone down on Ocean Parkway near Jones Beach and I was intrigued by the Flag Waver. Talk about a great job! This dude was relaxing, waving a flag and watching cars pass by. He is out in the sun all day, near the beaches, how great is that? I am sure he's union and probably makes about $50.00 an hour to wave that flag. The only thing I'd do differently is get more into the flag waving. I'd probably dance a bit, maybe throw in a few old school moves like the running man, the cabbage patch, or the robot. You know, give the drivers something to laugh about while they are sitting in construction zone traffic. I am sure it will make good dinner conversation for them at home later that night.

Have you ever taken a close look at these construction zones? There are usually about 25 workers on the site, but only 4 of them are actually working. The other 21 are just watching, drinking Gatorade, laughing, and chatting it up. I wonder if 4 names are drawn out of a hat early in the morning to determine who is actually going to be the "workers" for that particular day. One other observation about construction zones is that they close off a mile or two stretch of road (lane) all to work on a piece of road the size of a postage stamp. It's absurd.

I'm off to seek out a Flag Waver job application........


Jillian said...

Cool....Let me know when you get the job.....Do you think you could do this job in a G-String?????? No that would be interesting.....I will drive by 20 x's a day!!!!!! You could make extra money in tips!!!!!!!

Bridget Unnel said...

No, I want to be the policeman who gets to sit in his air-conditioned car while the other guys dig the ditch or wave the flag... all on overtime. My newly minted cop brother gets to do that a bit. Lucky bastard...

Charlie Mc said...

Jill....hahahaha....I could give it a whirl!

Bridge, not a bad alternate job!

WordWhiz said...

Charlie: This was so great! And yes, I have indeed noticed that only a select few of those folks are actually working. It's been taking me forever lately to get to work, due to a construction zone I have to drive through. I honestly don't know what they're doing! I thought they were widening the road, but as time goes on, that doesn't appear to be the case. They just seem to be tearing up the asphalt (nothing like that THUMP down onto the sub-gravel surface), moving all the telephone poles, tearing up the grass, then reseeding...why?? Maybe after another couple of years, that will become evident. Then again, maybe not.

Darcey said...

Yeah, I remember passing a flag-waver in Vegas and I turned to my dad to ask what kind of person would want to do that job. His response: "Someone who doesn't mind taking their $30/hr pay and investing it in the cure for skin cancer." Could you imagine how hot that would be in the middle of summer? 105 degrees in the sun, plus the radiating heat off the asphault, and you're stuck either wearing a wife-beater tee (sunburn) or something with thin sleeves (brings to mind Village People vibe, plus heatstroke).

No thanks.

But I wouldn't mind being a cabana girl at a beach resort... it seems more respectful than being a cocktail waitress (and thats in my genes).

Charlie Mc said...

funny you mention the Village People, the sugar v was one of the original members!

I suppose using my bartending skills on some island resort would not be a bad job either....

The Diva ♥ said...

Flay waving job not bad, or how about a dj at a stripe club. u get to look at nake women all day and be air condition.

Anonymous said...

you need to quit your job and come work with me as a PT! You have your certification, what are you waiting for??? Granted, I have to train nasty people sometimes, but it's a fun job overall!

supplymadam said...

How about Tom Cruise in "Cocktail"?
Bring it on CMAC!

Anonymous said...

I want to be a Sidewalk Mascot.

Charlie Mc said...

i love these amusing "anonymous" comments...sidewalk mascot...hahaha

Anonymous said...

Vote for me I'm running in the 2008 election!

Miss_Vicki said...

Naw, I just want to be filthy rich so I can buy the Yankees off Georgie when he has a coronary after having a terribly losing season and his head explodes :)

Anonymous said...

I wanna be a "dog"!

Charlie Mc said...

Indie, I'd wave the flag shirtless! :)

Miss Vicki, you need a butt spankin' with all those anti-Yankees comments!

Miss_Vicki said...

LOL you say that like it's a bad thing :op Maybe I should keep Mr. Jeter busy for a while so he forgets how to hit ;)