This Is What Society Calls Beauty?????

I'm not a woman. I am also not gay. Maybe that explains why I don't understand a lot of the things going on around me. Intense materialism, thousand dollar handbags, fake nails, padded bras and fake eyelashes...these things astonish me. Maybe I should do some undercover research and dive into the world of excess that many females like to call home. For now though, I'm going to use the following paragraphs to state my case...
For well over a century, humans have been dressing up their dogs for presentation at various shows, hoping to earn trophies for their fine pedigrees. Before a show starts, owners brush their dogs, wash them, put ribbons in their hair, shave them, teach them how to walk the floor, hold their heads up high, and much more. Judges then give scores to these dogs and a winner is selected. It's not very fascinating. That is, unless you compare it to...
Beauty pageants. Miss America, Miss Teen USA, Miss Universe. Beauty pageants put females on display, place them on a stage and have judges vote on who looks, acts, and behaves the best. Before a pageant starts, women must brush their hair, wash themselves, put ribbons in their hair, shave their legs and bikini zones, learn how to walk the floor, hold their heads up high, and much more. It's not very fascinating. That is, unless you compare it to...
WOW, has anyone else ever seen the correlation here? We put women on display just as we do dogs, and vote on the prettiest and finest pedigree of both. Pretty women think that being in a pageant is a truly wondrous experience...but it's not. These women are the shallow, idiotic, retarded dredges of humanity that we put on a stage to gawk at because they are "pretty". At least dogs don't have any choice in the matter; their owners break them down through intense training and are being led by a fuckin' leash. Dogs do it unwillingly; human females do it because they want to feel special, different, superior. Why else enter a competition where no skill other than appearance is involved. Oh, don't fool yourself with the talent and "question" part of the pageant. These women are as talentless as they come but don't seem to know it. If they are frequently complimented on their beauty, marry rich and/or fuck their way to the top of the human food chain, they will feel content. Discovering breakthroughs in Physics or developing the cure for cancer, these women will not. They are here for our viewing pleasure. Like cute plastic dolls sitting on a shelf.
I could go on another rant about the whole ancient art of face-painting and how it has spun out of control, making women into strange caricatures of beauty these days. A half inch of foundation, a coating of various eye goops, a buffer of rouge and lipstick. Don't get under hot lights or you'll start to melt like butter left in the sun. Hell, washing and waxing the entire surface of my car doesn't require that many chemicals. Hooray for innocent bunnies and monkeys to test this hazardous stuff on before sending it off to market, eh?
Show me a woman who has wit, an ingenious sense of humor; a lover of quiet time and relaxation, intelligent AND immature conversation; a lady who can do without makeup or expensive clothing when going out for the night; a woman who doesn't go out of her way to seek attention and acceptance from her peers, and I will show you a woman who is beautiful. Plain and simple. Painting your face and throwing on fake nails, eyelashes and padded bras will only make you look like a clown. Self-esteem doesn't come from Loreal or lacquered nails, Botox or Gucci.....it comes from who you are.
If you have to seek store shelves or pageants to feel beautiful, you've already lost.
You're a Yankees fan, what the hell do you know? ;)
I have to say I agree with ya, even though you ARE a Yankees fan - I think more like a guy half the time. I'm more into sports than most of the guys I know!
Does anyone actually watch those pagents anymore?
apparently, some people are still watching these.....they still show them every year!
I just hate fake people, men or women....
Awesome, you're a personal trainer? I'd love to talk w/you about that, I work out 5-6 days a week @ the gym and am looking for some advice on the best exercises for each muscle group, etc.... I guess that's a little off topic though :op
Wake up, shower, wash my hair, shave, get dressed, brush my teeth, and get my ass out the door within 20 minutues is very much within the realm of reality. And, no, I don't spend the whole train ride applying makeup to my face. It' not worth clogging up my pores and getting zits for my any attempt to look like a model.
You make a lot of sense. And that image of "beauty" is making a lot of women starve themselves, kill themselves, and spend thousands of dollars surgically altering themselves.
It's not a beauty pageant, it's a "scholarship program!" :)
Miss Vicki-
No problem...e-mail me at cmc23b@hotmail.com...we'll chat exercise.
You forgot the equally appalling child beauty contests. There is something just so wrong and inappropriate about dressing your four-year-old like a grownup and having them beg for love and attention and trophies. I'm sure they won't have self-esteem issues when they grow up and the trophies become fewer and farther between.
I hate the fact that women, including myself at times, feel like they can't be seen in public without their "face" on.
And this coming from a girl who will willingly spend lots of money at Sephora (the makeup lovers' heaven) and then spend the first hour after returning home with my loot playing with my new "toys."
I'm trying not to stress about how my hair looks or if my makeup is applied properly. (Though Cute Boy still hasn't seen my hair in its natural state of waviness.) I do feel better on the weekends when my routine is paired down to shower, wavy hair, sunscreen, and my two tiny things of vanity - mascara & tinted chapstick.
I agree with you! I've never been the kind of girl who would do anything to look like a model. I've always said that is someone is to love me then he has to love me for who I am, not who/what I look like. Makes perfect sense to me. Beauty is more than skin-deep. BTW I'm beautiful....inside!
Wow its rare to hear a man say that stuff. Although my husband is always saying that "those" kinds of women are not attractive, they are too plastic.
The pagents are still on tv, but viewership is steadily declining. That's why they have the girls in bikinis now, and why Trump is thinking of buying Miss America so he can "spice it up." I wonder what that will entail.
Good answer Steph from Miss Congieniality.(good movie) I can't stand high maintenance women. What's wrong with just being maintaned? I hate the whole perfectionism thing. "Don't touch me I may smear"!
Yes neat appearance is what I'm going for here not the manakin thing.
Very true C-Mac. Many women have esteem issues because they worry about appearance more so than how they are as a person. Many good points made.
I dont necessarily think that because a women wears makeup it is too look good for others, i dont personally care what people think, i do things that make me happy. Pocketbooks for example are a very interesting subject. I will admit,i am cheap when it comes to certain things but bags i will spend $1000 and not even bat an eyelash. People dont understand but i dont understand how people will spend thousands of dollars on Yankee season tickets when you can watch the game on tv. I hate fake bags b/c people who have them want people to think its real, i would rather myself know it is real.what it really boils down to us people spend there money on what they value, everyone values diff things, i am enjoying myself now while i am young and childless b/c i know those guilty pleasures will have to come to end eventually. No one is putting a gun to the heads of beauty pagent contestants, they enjoy doing it and if they want to spend there free time doing it and maybe win money and prizes and schlorships in the end it is up to them!!
Sugar V, if i was gay, u would have put the moves on me already!
of course I know all the gayest bands and phrases, but it's because I sit near sugar v and hear the songs and the phrases spoken all day long!
$1,000 for a pocketbook?
I have a friend that is single and thinks nothing also of spending loads on herself. But if you buy her a drink she will not reciprocate and if she lays out a dollar fot you, you can be sure she makes sure she gets it back. Sorry but I don't get it.
Alyssa, if you want to make changes in the political process or you want to do good for a cause, run for office, do volunteer work, donate to charities. parading around in a bathing suit on a stage being asked stupid questions is not going to solve world problems. If you want to entertain, major in drama, sing, or whatever. These pageants send the wrong message to young females that their bodies are more important than their minds.
Spending thousands on yankee tickets is entertainment. You don't go to a Yankee game, a movie, or a concert to impress others, you go because you enjoy the entertainment value. $1000.00 on a purse is just absurd. It is to tell the world "look what I have" and it's for attention.
Women wear fake nails, fake eyelashes, padded bras, makeup, etc. Just be yourself...you can't tell me women do all this for themselves, it's to get a man. You don't see men doing all this shit and sticking a pair of socks down his pants to try to lure a woman in...it's all absurd.
cmac-its just something you will never get, but i honestly buy the bag for me b/c it makes me feel happy, if it was for what other people think i would buy a knockoff but i love it for me. I LOOOOOOVE pocketbooks!!!! :)
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