Come to think of it, what makes a party a party and a get together a get together? What's the difference? Is it the amount of people who come? Is it the music? The food? The activities going on at the event? I've noticed a common occurence at almost every party/get together I've ever gone to. At some point, the men and women always seem to split up and talk, it's almost inevitable that at some point that this will happen. It can be in a house, out in a yard, at a catering hall, but at some point you will see a table of women chatting and a huddle of men talking. I actually enjoy conversation with women more than I enjoy conversation with men and usually crash the women's table. I find the conversation to be more deep and substantial than the men's conversation. I am a sports fan and all, but I hate making small talk about sports and power tools. Unless the women are talking Lifetime Movies or menstrual cycles, I find their conversation a bit more interesting and enjoyable. There are very few guys that can hold my interest in a conversation for some reason. There was actually one guy at this party/get together last night that was cool and fun to BS with. At work, I'd say I talk to the Sugar V more than just about anyone. He always makes for good conversation, although he seems to talk about chick flicks and Macy's sales pretty often. haha.
I was told Bruce (my dog) could be brought to the event because there would be other dogs there for him to play with. So, he came. All was well until he decided to shit in his dog carrier on the Whitestone Bridge which is about 30 minutes from the event, with NO traffic. Of course, being that he took a shit, and the BRAND NEW Jeep was stinking like dog shit, we hit about an hour's worth of traffic due to the end of the Mets/Yankees game. So for an hour I had to bask in the stench of dog shit. At that point, I wasn't inclined to sing "Fantastic Voyage." Not so fantastic, I must say. Once we got him there, he was fine. Cleaning the pet carrier and airing out the Jeep wasn't so you could imagine. Nothing like making a grand entrance to a party/get together carrying a pile of dog shit. I feel like I suddenly have a child, without the tax write-off of course. It's been an interesting month with Bruce so far.....

Whitestone Bridge, aka Shitstone Bridge

So, that was my Saturday Night. I failed to mention that at 2:30 AM gas was running VERY low in the Jeep and I desperately needed to stop off somewhere for gas on the way home. I can't believe how much gas this thing uses up. On any account, we could not find an open gas station in Greenwich, CT where the party was. So we drove into NY, over The Whitestone (now known to me as the Shitstone Bridge) and got on the Van Wyck Expressway which basically runs from Laguardia Airport to JFK Airport. At this point the gas light is chiming and we are still 15 miles from Long Beach, so it is time to pull off at an exit. Of course, we choose Jamaica, Queens at 2:30am which is 50 CENT's hood. Needless to say, no OPEN gas station right off the exit, just closed stations. THIS IS FUCKIN' NYC, THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS, and all the gas stations are closed. So now I am driving deeper and deeper into Jamaica. I see gangs of people hanging out on corners, 2 fights, still no gas stations, or even a cop for that matter. FINALLY, we find an open gas station where I fill up. The gas station attendant goes on to mention that all the gas stations close early because of frequent robberies and shootings. So as I am pumping gas, I am moving around so nobody has a clear shot at me.......interesting night huh? Finally home at 3....minus a cap in my ass and and a pile of shit in my hand.
Charlie: This was so funny! I was in search of a laugh! I thank you! Great story!!
You should have stopped by while you were in the area! Oh...that's right...too close to Red Sox (destined for hell) territory.
LOL...the Shitstone Bridge!
(btw...I work in Greenwich!)
LOL that's a trip - hope ya had a good time, anyway.
CT sounds nice, I'd love to see that area of the country some day....
next time my cat takes a shit, I'll think of you ;op
You and your stories! You crack me up. Sorry about your "shitty" ride. Good thing you had the Rotweiler for protection,lol.
I know how that happens when the men and women split up. I like hanging with the guys sometimes,they tend to not talk small talk. Just let loose and have some laughs. It depends on the crowd though.
Well the Mets got their asses kicked(what else is new). They remind me of my new dog-The Underdog(s).Trying to make them worthy! A homing pigeon camped out on my deck for 2 days and refused to leave. I called a pigeon rescue place and they referred me to a place in Lindenhurst.They said if I can catch him to bring him or her in and they'll track down where it came from. Well I did and they when they read it's leg band they knew where it came from. Thank goodness I didn't take my new patio furniture out of the box yet because yes I was too was cleaning up shit this weekend. All the hell over everything,even in the carrier. Who knew I had almost the same shitty experience as CMac.
Not to mention my mom called me at 6:30 this morning that her cat was crying and not moving. So of to the clinic we went at 7:00am and got home at 10:00. He has a urinary blockage and will stay for 2 days on a catherter sedated.I'm shot for this weekend. Is it Monday yet?
Hey where's CNN on the mini-poll?
It's a good thing Bruce was in a carrier. Can you imagine scraping it off the upholstery or the rug in the trunk? Eyeew.
HA HA HA HA HA.........At least you made it home alive!!!!!!! How was the beach???? ;)
I hate gas stations that are not open 24/7. My boyfriend gave me a gas card for a gas station by out house that is open maybe 8-5 each day.....why even bother???
I feel for ya
Well, I say I will swap you my spot at the women's chat if we ever end up at the same get together/party. I prefer the men's huddle myself :-)
Sorry Bruce had to christen the new vehicle, but all in all sounds like fun was had!
I love that your dogs name is Bruce! that just cracks me up. Not sure why.
I had to giggle about the dog poo and not wanting to get shot while getting gas. Good quality. Not wanting to die or get mamed.
i enjoy a mans company more than a womans as a rule. i find most woman too emotional and I can't handle that. I can barely handle my own emotions!!
I hear ya - I've always gotten along better with guys, too. Don't know why, really - but, most women want to talk about babies and diapers and scrapbooking and the latest Emeril recipe - no friggin thanks. It's so hard to find women friends b/c there aren't many like me who are majorly into sports and 'intelltecutal stimulation' :op
I would say that CRUNCHY EGGROLLS really make for a great party!
Sounds like you had a good time... except for the dog shit... and the other bullshit! I played a gig in CT this weekend. Thank goodness we didn't have any of your problems coming back into the city at 2 AM!
This could only happen to you! I am laughing so hard over here!
I'm trying hard not to laugh at what was surely not a funny experience for you on the Shitstone Bridge... hmm..hmm.. screw that -- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
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