What Will They Think Of Next?

It all started with the "Real World" and has not let up. Reality television has been dominating the networks for quite a while now. We've seen it all from strangers living together, to people on an island, bachelors, bachelorettes, singing competitions, modeling competitions, nanny rescues, wife swapping, you name it. How real is this shit? I've got some ideas to make "reality" television truly real.
1) You get 5 in shape guys and 5 in shape girls, each of them has to live with a 500lb+, dirty, nasty member of the opposite sex where they have to live like husband/wife. They have to have sex, do everything couples do. Whoever holds out the longest wins the $1,000,000.
2) "Survivor Compton" You are left out in the ghetto where you have to wear racially insulting t-shirts, yell racial slogans, and piss the 'hood off. If you last a week, the cash is yours.
3) A show where you are handcuffed to a smelly, filthy person 24/7. I am talking bedtime, toilet time, dinner time, you get it......
4) Zoo reality. You have to live in a zoo cage with animals for weeks on end. Eat what they eat, live the way they live.
5) They have not had a "job" switch show yet. Maybe a lawyer works on a garbage truck for a week, a construction worker works as a CEO...that would be a riot.
6) Homeless reality, instead of an island paradise like Survivor, you have to live on city streets and be homeless and see what it's like.
7) The Biggest Gainer. Instead of a losing weight show, you take skinny people and make them fat by making them eat like crazy. Whoever gains the most wins.
Ok, I want to hear your ideas....this was fun.
I don't think I can stomach another new reality TV show. I'm so over them. I've even started going to trivia Wednesdays in lieu of watching my previous guilt-pleasure show.
My last roommate was reality TV obsessed. We're talking everything from Trista & Ryan's wedding to that horrid one where the girl was trying to find her real dad.
Lindsey, haha, I did not forget your show! I look forward to many a season of you and Mariah!
Muse-I watch 5 shows a week, that's it! I'd rather be out running, chillin' with music, drinking, writing, whatever. TV is good to a point...but I need lots more to amuse me!
You have some twisted ideas! I think they should have a show where straight people have to be gay and perform gay acts. People would do it for money I am sure.
How about being a dog for a month. You have to wear a collar and eat dog food out of the bowl on the floor and drink water from a dog bowl. Plus shit and piss on the lawn and sleep in the dog bed. Don't forget licking your croch.
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