Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Bitchin' About Bananas

Yeah, I am going to discuss bananas, you have a problem with that?

Bananas are a pain in the ass to buy. If you buy them too green you have to wait like three fuckin' days before the banana is even close to edible. If you buy them yellow, they are good for about two or three days and they rot and turn brown. I am starving right now with a green banana on my fuckin' desk that is of no use to me. I like a banana in the morning for breakfast. Basically, I am shit out of luck today. Last week, they all rotted before I got to eat them all so this week I figured hmmmmm I'll buy them a bit greener, now the fuckers refuse to ripen. I guess fruit is now a fuckin' gamble. The fuckin' produce aisle is now a damn casino.


Molly said...

Yeah, that's why I don't eat bananas. They drive you bananas!

Charlie Mc said...

Yeah, I've resorted to banana blogging....they really piss me off! You either have to eat all 8 in three days, or you have to wait a week to have one!

Anonymous said...

I am not a banana fan, every now and again. I hate waiting for stuff to ripen. I want it when I want it!

SirTalksALot said...

I don't buy them either, but my roommate does, and there's a freezer full of "rotten" bananas that will some day make it to banana bread (most likely the trash). Currently there are 3 very green ones on the counter. Yup, bananas do suck!

Steph said...

Stick it in a brown paper bag. It will ripen overnight.

Darcey said...

I usually am the person that splits the bunches at the store and just buys 2 or 3 for myself. And if one does happen to start browning before I can get to it, I throw it in the freezer and later use it in a smoothie (that way you can use less ice and therefore, it won't be so watery).

Sometimes I'm a little bit Martha Stewart. But usually only when someone complements the "sexy librarian look" :)

Charlie Mc said...

You are funny Muse! I meant it!

Frozen for smoothies, I'll have to try that! :)

Charlie Mc said...

hahahaha, you are too much Liz...yeah that may have stopped me in my tracks too!

Trust me, i only use them for food! haha

supplymadam said...

I usaually buy 2 bananas a month and at least one winds up in the trash.

Bridget Unnel said...

My hubby and I have banana go rounds every time we come back from the market. Wow -- does that ever look like I mean something else!!

Charlie Mc said...

hahaha Bridget, TMI with you and your husband's banana escapades! haha, just kidding. I know what you meant!