He mentioned that people throw half full cups of coffee with no lids in their garbage pails! How fucked up is that when the sink/breakroom is steps away??? He said that when he lifts the bag liner out of the pail, it leaks all over. Do these assholes throw away full beverages in their homes too? How stupid and inconsiderate can someone be?

Stop The Insanity!!!!!

He also went on to tell me that people clip their toenails and figernails and leave them all over the carpet. Who's taking their shoes off at work to give themselves a pedicure? I thought that was extremely nasty! He also told me that he finds boogers and other nose remnants on the desk and floor. Are people that uncivilized? I was astonished.
It amazes me that people are that rude and inconsiderate of others. I've noticed over the years though that when something does not have a direct impact on someone, they don't care. It's only when shit happens that has a direct impact on them that they care. I think everyone who starts in a company should have to work a day or two in every department so that they can see the point of view of each group. Then they would be able to witness the struggles and problems of each department. Maybe people would think twice before being an asshole.
I saw the "sports periphenalia" guy clipping his toe nails at work today...
Makes me wonder what else they do when they think no one's looking ;)
That's just nasty. That's one of the reasons I wanted to move away from Philly, just because no one seemed to give a shit about anyone anymore. I absolutely hated working downtown.
That's really cool of you to not only treat everyone equally, but with respect. I try to do the exact same thing. There aren't many like you left.
come on tell us some of the grosser things he told you about :)
Unbelievable!! I actually did work in a job once where everyone had to spend a day shadowing everyone else. (Our cleaning crew was made up of contractors, an outside service, and thus not company employees...no janitor duty was required.) However, I did have to spend a day on the road with the trucker. I thought it was a really great idea. People are less likely to blame it on the other department if they knew what folks in the other department were up against!! Great observation!
I must confess, that I have tossed out half filled liquid soda cans in the trash. Oh the SHAME!!
at least a soda can is not likely to leak or spill.....an open coffee cup is nuts! :)
I even feel bad at a fast food place when I have to throw the cup away with soda in it, nevermind an office garbage pail! People truly are inconsiderate.
Well, for reasons well known to some of us, I must admit that I am actually INCLINED to start throwing cups of liquids in my garbage bin...at least until my trophy is returned. No, no -- I'm not bitter or obsessive.
That's just wrong. Everyone is the same. As long as people have respect for others than I feel no one is better than anyone else. I hate when people base themselves on what they do for a living. Everyone needs someone else's services. If your car breaks down we all need a mechanic. If you want fast food you can't expect Donald Trump to be at the window.
The janitor also told me about Niveal lotion all over the "plant guy's" desk!
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