Finally, A Sunny Saturday Here In Long Beach!

In my blogging travels yesterday, I came across two more blogs which I have linked here on my page. The first one is called "Babysitting In The Forest." It's a new blog, but looks like it's going to be full of rants and drama, check it out when you can. The other is called Kiss of Life. This one has been up and running for a while, it's a pretty good read.
Shout out to the NY Yankees! They kicked some NY Met ass last night. Hopefully Randy Johnson can make it two in a row today at that big blue ashtray in Queens known as Shea Stadium.
I have some things to do today, then off to Connecticut later this evening. I am declaring tomorrow C-Mac day! I am doing whatever I want when I want tomorrow. No errands, laundry, shopping, nothing, just me being an official beach bum. I need some color, it's been raining here every weekend. I need to get my ass out in the sun for a few hours tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be chasing a "Grey Goose" around most of the day tomorrow. :)
I saw some 80's classic videos at a restaurant I was at yesterday. It's a fuckin' shame shit from the 80's is on the VH1 "Classic" channel. Makes me feel about 110 years old. A "classic" to me is like Elvis, not Duran Duran. Anyway, I saw a video from the band Loverboy. Remember those guys? They had a few kick-ass tunes like "Workin' for the Weekend" "Lucky Ones" "Turn Me Loose" and "When It's Over."

The album cover says it all! Is that the Sugar V???

All the girls used to go ape shit over Mike Reno the lead singer in his painted on orange leather pants with matching headband. I remember watching these videos when I was little thinking all these bands were so cool and shit. I look at them now and I am like, what the fuck? Orange pants with an orange headband? I must admit, the music itself was far better back then, not so sure about the styles though.....
Ok, off to enjoy the nice weather! Hope you all have a great Saturday...
Hooray for a sunny Saturday! I am having one as well. It has been long awaited!
You suck! :op What I would give to go to the beach anytime I wanted - that would rock beyond belief. You're lucky! (Well except for that Yankees thing ;))
But, I have to admit, I love this part - EVERY weekend is a "me" weekend! I'm single, no kids, I do whatever I want, whenever I want. Sleep till 10, go to the gym, watch baseball, hang out @ the pool, whatever.
BTW it's cloudy and probably going to rain here. AGAIN. I can't take much more of this!
true Miss Vicki, the luxury of the single life....I am in no hurry for kids or marriage....don't want to spend my weekends at Bed bath and Beyond and Home Depot! :)
Poor Mets! I'm a Met fan have been for 30years what can I tell you. We used to get tickets at once for all the games we wanted to see. We almost got on TV for the Met Video. We were right next to where they were filming and choosing people from our section to be in it. They didn't use us,waaah!
My brother is a die hard Yankee fan as was my Dad. I guess I'm just a rebel. Beautiful day today!Ready for a week straight of rain?
Well hope everyone has a good weekend! Me and Angus went for a nice long walk this morning. Now he's tired(just the way I like him)
I forgot to comment about the 80's music - holy shit, every time I hear one of those songs it brings back about 5000 memories of teendom. BTW I wasn't one of those chicks swooning over the Loverboy pants, back then I was a metalhead, into Ozzy, Priest, Maiden, etc. Where are my leopard skin pants and big hair? :)
I like to spend my weekends doing yard work! I really need to find a guy who likes to cook better than he likes to mow!!
It was supposed to rain today but it was gorgeous! Hope you had fun at the beach!
HEY...where in CT did you go? I'm in NY, but tucked right between New Canaan and Ridgefield CT.
I was LOL at Loverboy. My first husband was an art director for CBS Records during the 80s...what a blast that was. I don't think he designed the Loverboy cover, but I'm pretty sure he did a bunch of posters for them.
Now, let's get ready to open up another can of whoop-ass on those Metsies! ;)
Must be nice just soaking up the sun on the freaking beach all day!!!!!!!! I've spent the start of my weekend working!!!!!
Have a good time!
OMG -- speaking of Loverboy, have you heard of NBC's "Hit Me Baby One More Time" show coming out this summer? Former acts compete for another shot at the limelight. Scheduled are:
Vanilla Ice
Flock of Seagulls
The Romantics
Sophie B. Hawkins
Wang Chung
Irene Cara
With the Knack
Air Supply
Tommy Tutone
The Motels
sounds like an awesome show!!!!
Hi there Charlie Mc,
Just to give you a heads up, you're probably going to get some more comments on this post: Weekend!. I found you when I was out looking for surf videos product info, and even though this doesn't relate to surf videos, I still had to stop and tell you that you're doing a great job. You're about to get some visits from my brother and sister. I told them about your blog so I hope you don't mind.
Charlie Mc, could I ask if you are doing this all yourself or do you have a special website person creating all this for you? If it's you, I say wow and good job. Maybe you can give me some tips on my surf videos site if you have time. I don't know if you're interested in surf videos stuff, but it's 'the place' to go for that. Well, just though I'd drop by and say "YOU'RE AWESOME!!" and that you have a nice blog.
Seeeee ya later.
Well, is there something a little weird going on here? I don't know about you Charlie Mc, but my blog gets pretty cluttered with spammy comments from people. My advice to you as one blog owner to another, is to be patient and focus on the great things about having a blog, instead of all the junk that goes on. You do have a quality blog and appears that you enjoy it. My favorite web project so far is a surfing video site, because I have total control and it makes me a couple dollars here and there. It's pretty hard to find new information on surfing video stuff though. Hey, keep up your excellent job Charlie Mc, and good luck with your projects..
See ya ~
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