Mmmmmmm Snow Cones!

Remember the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine? This thing was kick ass! We used to make all kinds of shit in this thing. You were supposed to just add ice and it would shred it up, then you were to add that cancer causing food coloring to the crushed ice to make yourself a refreshing snow cone. When my Mom wasn't around we'd jam ice cream in there, cookies, you name it. We had our own little dessert machine. We made shit you could never find anywhere else. I think we actually invented cookies and cream ice cream. We would jam ice cream and toss Oreos in there before you could ever buy it in the stores. It would come out a soupy mess, but it was fuckin' good shit! We'd put pudding in there with skittles, all kinds of wacky shit....as long as we got out sugar high and could bounce off the walls for a few hours we were satisfied. Come to think of it, I always experimented with all my toys growing up. I always pushed the envelope on every toy to see how far I could push it and I'd come up with alternate uses for it. Suuuuuuuuuuuuure the fuckin' snow cone machine would smoke and shit, but it was fun pushing it to the max!
You know how many Barbie heads we tried to melt in the EZ Bake Oven??
LMAO PG - that's a riot. I think I had both those things growing up. To this day, I can't pass up a snow cone, I love those damn things. Do they still sell those? :)
My parents never got us toys that weren't geared toward spacial visualization (Lincoln Logs, Tinkertoys, Erector sets), physics (Matchbox cars and track), or general mental acuity improvement (chess, checkers, backgammon boards, or stuff like Scribbage). So we used to use a mortar and pestle to do what you did with your Snoopy Snow Cone Machine--that was in the days before some company thought to mash Heath Bars into butter pecan ice cream.
Okay, you have successfully brought back my childhood.
one year for Xmas all I wanted was an air hockey game - and I got it! I loved that game.
I prefer playing ice hockey to air hockey, but when it comes to indoors physical activity, air hockey ranks up there with pool, darts, and ping pong.
ooooh! the ezbake oven! i never had one, but i wanted it real bad. i also wanted the barbie dream house...never got that either. wtf? i did have lite brite, though. that was pretty cool. until you ran out of those pattern thingies. then you were fucked because they didn't sell xtras. or maybe they did and my parents only SAID they didn't.
They do sell patterns to Lite-Brite's. I bought them for my son. But my parents never bought me any either!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember we had an ice cream machine, but it was a crank by hand thing....most of the time we lost interest in the making of the ice cream cuz it took too damn long!
Experiment with other toys? Hmmm....Explains why you cant sit down right these days huh?
I used to play with my brother's toys because boy toys were so much more interesting than girl toys. I loved the Fisher Price Garage(which my mom's friend's son had)I loved Rockem' Sockem' Robots which my brother had. Now I'm showing my age. We had a Sno-cone mahine but it was before Snoopy's. Remember 7-11 had sno-cones before slurpees?
My younger sister hated that I had an EZ bake and she intentionally left the plastic spoon in it and it melted. So when she got a lite brite, slowly but surely, all the little plastic punch-in thingies started disappearing.
You invented BLIZZARD'S!!
I'm sure there's some residuals in there for you somewhere!
Make me a snow cone C-Mac!
I burned my hand on the EZ Bake oven, I was traumatized of the kitchen for a long while!
Speaking of taking something to the limit...Do you remember the flinstone car? You know, the red little car with the yellow top? I took my neighnbors down the hill in his backyard and crashed it into a tree. That's the last time I was allowed in anything with wheels at his house. Bastards.
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