Monday, May 23, 2005

The Kool-Aid Pitcher

Did any of you have a character that you were scared of when you were a kid? For me, it was the Kool-Aid pitcher. This is one scary bastard.

Satan in Disguise? Posted by Hello

He just looks evil. Sort of like a jack-o-lantern carved in a pitcher. He'd bust down walls on the old TV commercials and burst upon the scene to quench thirsts. What sense does a walking pitcher make? How come he never spills any of his Kool-Aid? I hated this guy then, and I hate him now! I still have nightmares about this guy......he is Satan's spawn. Lock your windows and doors, this icy cold fucker is on the loose. I'd love to take a hammer to him once and for all. Smash him into about 400 pieces. He's probably like that Chuckie doll, he'd somehow reassemble himself and drown me in a river of grape-aid. His voice was even fucked up, he sounded possessed, like the kid in "The Shining". "REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM".....

Mrs. Butterworth never scared me. I would always hope she'd come to life and talk it up over pancakes. She seemed harmless enough. The talking Parkay margarine tub was a bit creepy, don't you think? It had no eyes, just a mouth. I'd stomp that fucker out if he got smart.

What mascots/characters scared the shit out of you as a kid, or even now for that matter???!


Panthergirl said...

OMG Charlie... this is too weird. I JUST made a joke this weekend about the Kool-Aid guy, about him saying "Does my ass look fat in this pitcher?"

(now he doesn't seem as scary, right?)

My daughter was TERRIFIED of "Bob Dog" on Misterogers Neighborhood.

Steph said...

I'm with Disgruntled...I was 5 years old when Charlie and the Chocolate Factory came out. It was my first movie at the theater, and my older brother took me. We got there late, so we the only seats left were in the front row, and the Oompa Loompas scared the shit out of me! What the hell are they?
Then all the kids started disappearing and all they did was sing a song about it! I spent the whole movie with my face buried in my brother's arm.

Miss_Vicki said...

Holy F'ing shit - I was just on the Phila Eagles message board - I post there all the time - and one guy's avatar was the exact same Kool Aid picture - I nearly peed myself laughing!

Jillian said...
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Jillian said...

CLOWNS!!!!!! I hated each and every clown. They scared the living crap out of me!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know Charlie, I'm reading all of your comments and it's late and now I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep thinking of evil Kool Aid pitcher dudes, and clowns and oompa loompas and MR ROGERS!!!! This is a VERY scary post!

Jenni said...

Mr. Bubble. My mom bought some for me when I was little and when I took a bath in it I broke out in a horrible rash. Ever since then I have associated the "Happy Faced" Mr. Bubble with a horrible itchy rash:( HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME? WHY MR. BUBBLE...WHY!?

supplymadam said...

I used to have this reacurring nightmare that this old hag was coming up the basement stairs to get me because I would hear footsteps that would wake me up. Years later I figured out what it was. I would sleep on my stomach with my ear to the mattress. I was hearing my own heart beat.

The Diva ♥ said...

That movie willy wonka and the chocolate factory scared me. I thought a lonely old man with candy theres something wrong with that. Luring kids into that candy factory and the kids not coming out the same, thats just wrong! Just wrong I tell ya!
I still have the Kool-Aid pitcher.

Anonymous said...

The witch from Hansel and Gretel

Anonymous said...

Definitely the witch, but those monkies from Wizard of Oz - they were creepy!

Unknown said...

Its no coincidence that he is filled up wiht a red blood maybe?