Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Tagged Once Again....

Ok, I was tagged again. The tag stops here, I am not going to hit anyone else up! I am supposed to answer five from the following list:

If I could be a scientist...
If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter...
If I could be a missionary...
If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be a writer...
If I could be a llama rider...
If I could be a bonnie pirate...
If I could be an astronaut...
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world...

If I could be a farmer, I'd work with the "hoes" all day.

If I could be a doctor, I'd be a gynecologist for women 18-25 who are between 100-125lbs and single.

If I could be a writer, I'd start a webpage with a beach theme and think of stupid shit to write daily.

If I could be an astronaut, I'd ban Tang from my ship and switch to Grey Goose.

If I could be a lawyer, I'd star in one of those cheesy law firm commercials during the Jerry Springer show.


Anonymous said...

Gynocologist... why did I know you'd pick that? Men. You're so predictable. LOL.

Miss_Vicki said...

I could say something predictable in return and say if I were a doctor, I'd be the official doctor of Major League Baseball and examine every single one of them :op

Darcey said...

C-Mac, dahling, you'll be tagged ONE MORE TIME by me. Lest you not forget the massive tag of all tags that Kari and I are compiling. But this one is for our amusement only, so don't feel like you have to tag others... you just have to answer it.

Kay, to bed with me. Here's to more than 3 hours of sleep!

Laurie said...

I'm with you on the Grey Goose, C-Mac. If I were an astronaut...I'd want to be on your rocket!

WordWhiz said...

Congratulations on having the fortitude not to pass the tag!

Won't be around much for a while. My son's coming home on leave for the army. Have a good one!!

Unknown said...

Your favorite time of the year is fast approaching C-Mac...Fleet week is in town...Make sure you wear your little salior's hat.

supplymadam said...

You forgot to "paint the town"
You can ride llamas?

Anonymous said...

You can be my gyno anytime Mac, PLUS I fit your profile.....

Do you make house calls? :)