Friday, May 06, 2005

Friday Hodgepodge

Just some random stuff for this Friday:

Why do athletes especially baseball players point to the sky (to God) after they hit a home run? Do they think God was a factor in that home run? Why don't they point up to God after they make a game ending error or strike out? With all the messed up shit going on in the world, do they really think God cares about a Royals/Twins day game? I don't think God gets too involved in trivial shit. Just this morning I saw a "Church of God" van broken down on the side of the parkway, obviously, God's not involved in these small matters.....

There's an urban legend that says porn stars get their names from a wacky source. Apparently their first name is the name of their first pet growing up and the last name is the name of the street they grew up on. In that case, my porn name is Pete Hyman. What's yours?

Why do douche bags on three or four lane highways wait until the absolute last second to go from the left lane all the way to the right lane to exit? Don't they realize a half mile back that their exit is approaching? Fuckers. They deserve a mouthful of pop rocks and soda.

People will eat anything that is free, whether they are hungry or not. I randomly clean out my cabinets and bring stuff into work and place it on the counter in the breakroom, stuff vanishes within minutes! I am convinced that if someone shit on that counter, people would ask where the crackers and butter knife was.

Ok.....more later. TGIF everyone, enjoy!


The Diva ♥ said...

My porn name is Tigger Lake. OMG I so did that last month. I was cleaning out the fridge and the eggs had expired so I made a fudge cake and brought it to work and it was gone so fast. I was told that it was good and that I should get some fast. I just laugh at those fuckers. I never told them that I made it. I'm sure it was no coincidence that there was a line to the restroom.

supplymadam said...

My porn name would be Elsa Walton.
About "God" I guess they don't know who else to thank.
I hate those douche bags too. Somtimes I wish I drove an army tank.
I know what you mean about people eating anything when it's for free. That is so friggin true. I have a box of bowties that's almost empty. Think they would eat those raw?

Charlie Mc said...

Blue, you always crack me up. How old were the eggs? I would have removed all the toilet paper from the bathrroms to make it worse! Keep rockin' Tigger Lake! ;)

Supplymadam, they would surely eat those bowties. Catch you later ELSA!

Anonymous said...

I want to talk about why Grammy winners like to thank GOD. Is he a big record producer?

Charlie Mc said...

you're not kidding MrsMogul! Wacky people out there!

Bridget Unnel said...

Ernie Sycamore checking in. Somehow, it sounds more sanitation worker than porn queen!

Anonymous said...

My Porn name would be Cocoa Grand!

People will eat anything free, they force feed themselves just because they don't have to pay for it!

I hate the last minute exit people, it ties up traffic.

Jenni said...

Shatzie Columbus...that has a nice ring to it. Maybe I'll change my name like Pheoebe on friends when she changed it to "Princess Consuela Bannanahammock." Shatzie Columbus...I like it!

erl said...

crap. this really shows that i need a job or something b/c i forgot it was friday.

The Diva ♥ said...

there were a week past the expiration!

Charlie Mc said...

hahaha, funny Smitten7, i mean Sadie! Thanks for stopping in! :)

Darcey said...

We were just talking about this last night (except middle name versus pet name) - weird.
Granted, it all started because I used to have a client by the name of "Ram Silverman" which I still insist is a fake name.
My porn name would be Peaches Paprika -or- Peaches Buckingham. I think I'll go with the one that has a little spice to it. ;)

Molly said...

Hmm I moved around a lot so don't know what street I "grew up" on...but the best is definitely Bambi Diamond as far as porn names go.

and I have no clue about the sky point after home ridiculous! I would like to see one of them point down to the devil instead, as the devil is always making people do stuff :-)

A* said...

Mc- Thanks for stoppping by earlier! Great site!

My porn name Shiloh Twin Lakes. Yeah not so great.

And really, I am sick of athletes and Hip-Hop artists thanking God after banging goupies and singing about bitches and hoes. Um hi, hypocrisy much?

Now the driving thing begs the question- why oh why do all these people then move to FL?

Jillian said...

I would be Kim Crawford....not bad and it really just flows off your tounge!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kerri Keberly said...

sandy coggins here. anyone need a...oops...i seemed to have dropped my towel...