Friday, May 20, 2005

Funny Friday/Odds and Ends

So, this morning I came into work pretty fired up. The rainy commute, my dog who does not listen to me in the morning because he knows I am leaving for work and is spiteful, and a few work issues here got my day off on the wrong foot. I must say, I needed a good laugh and got one on the Sugar V's Blog today. You have to check out this post about C-Mac vs. Darth Cabbage, it's pretty hilarious.

Is it me or has this been the LONGEST week ever?? Next week starts our summer hours here at the office, which means half day Fridays for my department every week. I am excited. I'll use those few hours every Friday to get all my chores/errands done at home to free up the entire weekend, or I'll use that half day as get away Friday for trips I have planned.....either way summer hours kick ass. Happy Hour will be starting nice and early next Friday in the City by the Sea! :)

Yay for Kendra who won the Apprentice last night, that was a no-brainer. I think the other woman, Tana was a bit off her rocker. I am glad the few shows I watch are winding down to finales this week. I like to use my nights more wisely during the summer. TV is for cold, snowy nights. You can find me down the block at the beach on any given night after dinner from now until September! Tuesday Night is pissing me off though, they put "The Contender" finale up against "American Idol" so I'll have to tape one of them. That sucks!

Should be an interesting weekend here in NY, the Subway Series gets underway tonight from Shea Stadium. Mets vs. Yankees. Should be more competitive than years past being that the Yankees aren't at the top of their game and the Mets have improved greatly. Go Yankees! Let's take at least 2 of the 3 games! I plan on doing lots of running in the nice weather forecasted for this weekend......

It's hard to believe Memorial weekend is ONE week away! I never thought I'd see it after the LONG, COLD, SNOWY winter we had. I am glad it's here. Just SIX more weeks until the 4th annual CMACAPALOOZA party!!!! :)


Jillian said...

Yes...I so glad Kendra won also. The Apprentice and ER are the only TV shows I watch. I not sure Im going to watch Martha's spin-off. I think she sucks!!!!!

Darcey said...

I'm not a big TV junkie. The infrequent indulgence in "The O.C.," or I'll get my reality TV fix with "America's Next Top Model," which I really haven't watched since I'm never home on Wednesday nights away (that's trivia time!).

I'm so jealous of your summer hours - I used to have that at the ad agency, but here at the newspaper, our deadlines are Fridays at 5, so if I want to lose out on revenue, sure take a half day, but otherwise, I get to leave at 6.

Panthergirl said...

Agreed about TV and the summertime, although that's what TiVO is for! Can't live without mine.

I cannot wait for The Contender finale. Love that show. I'm really pulling for Sergio because he is so SMART, but I like most of the guys that are left.

Ditto on Kendra! Sorry, but Mary Kay and Donald Trump just don't mix. Tana was beyond annoying. (oh and Tana? You don't put rhinestones on t-shirts in NYC.)

We start summer hours this week too! And they go through mid-October...woo hoo!

The Diva ♥ said...

I'm glad Kendra won. But I kinda already knew she did a little bird spoiled it for me last week. You are not the only one that thinks this week went on a little too long. I feel like this week somehow was one day too long. Now that all the shows are ending there isn't going to be anything on tv to watch. Time to lie by the pool and go to the beach.

Charlie Mc said...

you can come to the beach with me anytime Blue.... :) haha

Time for everyone to soak up the sun, stay/get in shape, feel good, and enjoy the next few months, it goes by fast so take it all in!

WordWhiz said...

Feeling pretty happy about those summer hours? Check my post today. If you lived in Europe, you could take every Friday off during the summer - PAID - and still have about 5 weeks of paid vacation time left-over to play with.

Jealous...who me??? Damn right I am!

Molly said...

Summer Hours? That is the most brilliant thing I have ever heard. I now can commence being jealous as I want to leave early on Fridays as well *sigh*

I too am ready to give up television for the summer, save for sports. But hey the NBA playoffs will still be going on by the time fall has returned :-)

Miss_Vicki said...

I wish we could have summer hours here - although I can't complain, I can for the most part keep my own hours - we don't keep track of vacation or sick days, you just take what you need and don't take advantage. I'm usually here @ 7:30 so if I want to take off @ 3 or 4 on a Friday it's a no-brainer, plus I usually spend 90 minutes @ the gym each day during lunch.

Shit, that must be awesome being so close to the beach - even in Philly it was a 2 hour drive to get to the Jersey shore. I love the beach, I'd be there every minute if I could. Since I'm single though, I don't get out and exploring as much as I'd like - no fun going alone all the time.

I also commented on my blog about Kendra, I really like her a lot and I'm glad she won. I liked Tana at first, but she got a little too nutso - what the hell was that big production about when she was proclaiming an all-victory for the idea of the design on the car brochure? Kendra's more professional and better suited for the job.

This HAS been a long week, my boss is actually in NY this week, believe it or not - son graduated from Columbia. So, it's been a little slow and that makes the days take forever to get thru.

Happy Friday everyone!

Miss_Vicki said...

And.... as far as the Mets/Yanks.... I hate the Mets almost as much as I hate the Yanks, so this is gonna be a tough one for me. If I rooted for the Mets, my mom would have my head. We just don't do that in our house.

The Diva ♥ said...

How am I goin to fit in my plans for world domination and lying at the beach with you c-mac. Ok I will have to take over Berlin in the fall.

supplymadam said...

Wow Memorial Day is coming and it still feels like fall. Looking forward to some warm weather to hit the beach. Maybe Sunday. My new outdoor furniture is coming today. I am so due for that. My other set is an eye sore. The new grill is coming next week so we'll be set for some Q'ing.
Can't comment on The Apprentice mainly because I don't watch it. For no other reason other than I don't get into too much TV.But I am very happy for Kendra. I have a few shows I like. Law and Order, Comedy Central(usually catch a funny on there)or if there's a movie coming on I want to catch. I must confess I am an Oprah fan(sometimes)Still trying for Tom Petty and the Black Crowes. No good seats left.Oh well there will more more Jones Beach shows.Plus I've seen him 2x. Anyone going to Paul Macartney? I go on Stub Hub daily to see what's available.May have to dig deep for those tickets.

True Jersey Girl said...

I can't even believe Memorial Day is next weekend. Its awesome though that winter is finally over.


Unknown said...

That's the great think about East Coast Beach culture, it is fleeting and therefore becomes more of a focus.

I remember during college being broke in OCMD for a summer. Me and my friends hooked up with these girls just so we could raid their food. Ah, those were the days.

L.A. beaches have no soul.