People are fuckin' lazy!

On my way to work every day, I pass a Dunkin' Donuts about a mile from my office. The traffic is always insane over there as people are stopping off for coffee, donuts, and whatever else it is they enjoy there. The line for the drive-thru always causes a traffic jam because the line spills out onto the main road. Each morning it pisses me off. HOW FUCKIN' LAZY HAVE PEOPLE BECOME???????? They can't even get out of their car for a coffee or a donut anymore? You would think since they are getting a 700 calorie donut, that they would at least feel less guilty about it by getting off their lazy ass and walking into the shop! Instead, they sit on their fat asses in their cars and wait on the 25 minute line all because they are afraid of a little exercise. It really drives me crazy. Then we wonder why 60% of the population is overweight. Drive thrus should be banned at donut shops.
OMG, this is SO true!! I pass a Dunkin Donuts just like that on my way to work. You know what? If you're in a hurry, and you're willing to drag your lazy but out of the car, you can get in and out in NO TIME!! It's unbelievable!!
You're right. It's mind-blowing how lazy people can be...absolutely mind-blowing!
I agree 100%. It's such an "east coast" thing. After living out west almost 4 years now, I see a LOT of differences between the lifestyles. Here, if someone wanted a donut, they'd grab their bicycle, wearing an environmentally-friendly helmet and biodegradable clothes, and sing a happy tune as they made their way to the donut shop. Then, later, they'd hike 3 miles to work off the calories.
It's a trip.
Shit, now I want a donut, thanks a lot.
I have friend/neighbor that weighs 270 lbs. Not because she eats 3 big macs for dinner or Kentucky Fried Chicken(the 18 pc bucket)or a whole Entenmann's cake or a whole box of Mallowmars. It's because she has a bad back and can't move too well(unless it has something to do with having fun or going shopping to max out the credit card)
Excuses,excuses. I have the privilage of hearing all the excuses.
Please be careful Charlie Mc. Other countries don't have the same standards as the US in ensuring the safety and efficacy of medications. If you do decide to use a pharmacy, PLEASE do your homework. Make sure the pharmacy is in Canada, like pharmacy. Some sites say they will ship the medications from Canada when they are actually in other countries. If you can, make sure the medications are manufactured in the US or Canada. Canada also has good protocols in making sure medications are safe and effective. There are many counterfeit drugs in the world. I would hate to see you become injured because of a counterfeit drug. Like I said before, do some researching before you decide to send away for some medication.
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