Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The HOV Lane

As in many parts of the country, the traffic situation here on Long Island is horrible. The highway system, for the most part, was designed about 70 years ago. The parkways on Long Island were built so that New York City residents could take leisurely drives out to the beaches along tree lined and scenic roads. Well, 70 years later we have the same parkways with the population and volume of cars probably 15 times what it was back then, yet nobody tries to come up with wise traffic solutions. The big "solution" these politicians come up with is using the HOV lane on the Long Island Expressway. They have a website you can go on to arrange carpools with strangers. Yeah, that's something I want to do....ride with a potential criminal, sex offender, crazy mofo, etc. Nothing like a little sodomy on the way to work. Hey, where did my wallet go???? I am a guy and I would not want to ride with some strange dude, would you as a woman? So after work, say I want to stop off for something at the supermarket, do I bring these carpool people with me? Or do I say hang out here in the car Mr., I need a bag of Oreos. Wait here Miss, I need that new DVD porn. In the morning, all I want to hear is music. I don't want someone in my car talking. If it's a new or strange person, it's going to be all small talk, like the weather, how are the kids, wow this is a nice car, shit like that...spare me. I think I'd rather pull all the hair out of my ass with a dull tweezer than listen to that shit. If it's a choice between the HOV lane or sitting in traffic, I'll take the traffic. Either that or I can borrow the Sugar V's blowup doll and get in the HOV lane hoping it will pass as a human when I drive by the highway patrol. No carpool lane for me!


JRae said...

BTW CMac, I really like what you've been doing to your blog lately design-wise. The waves at the left are awesome. Did you design those yourself or lift them from somewhere? I'm impressed.

I think the main brown background is a little too dark though. But then again I'm more familiar with the white beaches of Hawaii than here on the east coast... ;) but a lighter color might be a little easier on the eyes and contrast better with the text (esp. the green links).

But that's just my personal opinion, your blog looks great regardless. :)

Molly said...

Sure..."borrow" Sugar V's blow-up doll, don't you mean reclaim what is rightfully yours?

Charlie Mc said...

JRAE, thanks for the input. I have to tweek a few things on here still. It's weird because depending on the monitor, the sand looks lighter or darker. On most computers it is light, but others a bit too dark. The links, once clicked on them are too dim, I need to switch that up soon. It's definitely a work in progress, and I appreciate your kind words! :)

Molly, how did you know?

Darcey said...

We have the same thing here in good ol' Atlanta. I just wish that my metro city were more of a walking city, a la NYC or DC. I live less than 10 miles to my office, and I would be happy to take a rail system in, but the city planners never designed MARTA to be useful.

MARTA = Moving As*holes Rapidly Through Atlanta

Miss_Vicki said...

What the fuck does HOV stand for?
That's one reason I'm glad to be out of Philly, the traffic was unfreakingbelievable. Portland's great - smaller town, smaller traffic, no snow & ice to deal with. Love it!!

Anonymous said...

yeah driving out to Long Island is a pain, but I love going to Montauk! My husband can fly planes, so once we flew to Montauk and Block Island and it took only half an hour!

supplymadam said...

Long Island Traffic is the pits. "EVERYONE GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY"!

WordWhiz said...

Living out in the sticks, it isn't as though I could car pool if I wanted to. What are the chances that someone who lives anywhere near my narrow dirt road in the country work in my building?? Pretty slim! What do you do if your ride gets sick and leaves work early? Are you stranded? What if he over-sleeps? What if an emergency comes up during the day and you have to leave? I can't imagine this solution actually being workable. It's one of those things that sounds great in theory. The government loves THEORIES!

Unknown said...

My friends were doing that carpool bullshit from Berkeley to SF, and it fascinated me. What do you jackoffs talk about?

It's downright creepy, but would make for a great blog. I think.

Unknown said...

My blow up doll has a name...Its Fantabulous Fanny McHumpher...Get it right!! ;-P

Charlie Mc said...

JRAE, the beach waves, and the captains wheel were pirated...but it took hours to find, so I don't feel so bad!!!!!

Laurie said...

I was on the LIE last weekend and it was completely miserable...On an off-hour on a Saturday. I can't even imagine what it would be like during rush hour. I know the "construction" (which I put in quotation marks because I think someone in the highway dept. thinks it's funny to just put up orange cones and change traffic patterns...I've never seen any actual construction taking place...) has been going on for YEARS. Driving in those conditions is one of those rare instances where I'm actually happy to be living in a tiny little town. (Hell, now I get upset if I have to sit through two cycles at the one traffic light in town!)

Oh, and I couldn't agree more with your comment about only wanting to hear music in the morning. Amen!


Jenni said...

Did you know Minneapolis was voted the "Smartest City in the US" my "Mens Journal?" This is why; They have just put into effect an "Auto Pass" that allows single drivers to take the HOV lane during traffic as long as they pay a fee. Smart! If I didn't office at home and have to drive in traffic to get to work I would totally purchase one...saves a lot of headache.

Anonymous said...

Traffic here is insane. C-mac another week and our town will be bombarded with city people and beach-goers! Enjoy the last weekend of peace and quiet until September!