Oh No! Not Again.........

Just when you thought it was safe to turn your radio on, The Spice Girls are talking reunion for a LIVE AID concert to be held this summer. Please don't do this to us again! The Spice Girls are the ones who started the downward spiral of the music industry in late 1996. Since they came on the scene back in '96, we have had nothing but boy bands and bubble gum music. The Spice Girls should remain a memory, a very bad, distant memory. If they decide to reunite to do this concert, it will probably mean a new album soon after. An asteroid the size of Saturn smashing into the earth will be soon to follow. At least we'll all die a short, painless death. Unlike the pain we'd endure having to listen to them once again.
i'll tell ya what i want, what i really, really DON'T want...
Umph...umph...umph...HARF! That's supposed to sound like a cat woring up a puke, and then letting loose with it. It doesn't look right in print, but I can do a really good vocal imitation..that, and pig calling are my only vocal talents.
Disgruntled, that was really clever!!
Indie: "solo careers"? Also really really clever.
So the reunion might not be a great thing for music, but it will be fun for the late night talk shows and look what it's done for Charlie's blog!!
Cool: The Eagles is winning in the survey. Suddenly, I'm feeling much less ancient!
God help us all...each and every one of us. I hope Baby Spice chokes on her bubble gum.
I wonder if David Hasselhoff will join that tour.
Don't worry, they'll probably only sell like 3 tickets and have to cancel :)
I don't think I've ever heard one of their songs, and I prefer to keep it that way. Now where's my Metallica CD..... :p
I am now officially addicted to your blog. I find it absolutely fascinating and can't wait to see what you come up with next. It really makes a boring day at the office go by quicker. :)
Hey Charlie, can you please find a way to, well, temporarily lame A-Rod? Jesus, 17 jacks? :op
a reunion huh?
Didn't they all get pregnant and pop out kids?
Which one could actually sing again?
Over here Mel B is promoting her new album. ANd when asked about the rumour she said it was ludicrous. I think it;s only a one time deal at this summer concert.
A reunion,what in the hell for? Who frigin' cares? Aren't reunions more for classics or classes?
I'm w/Kate - I'm addicted. I don't blog so don't have a site, but since I have to sit in this government job daily, it's so nice to leave the humdrum for a few minutes each day and hit "bored" because I love your writing. Don't always agree, but your fan base believes; a sign of a good writer. I LOVE SUMMER. I'm headed to the lake, because in NM there's no ocean, but when I'm really needing an ocean fix, I go visit Dad in Carlsbad, CA.
I commented on the wrong post - which really shows my inexperience. Still love summer, have always thought the spice girls were cheesy, but I am going to see the Doobie Brothers tonight at the Isleta Casino in ABQ. Showing my age . . .
thanks very much afromabq and kate, I appreciate your comments and the kind words, hopefully you'll be back many more times!!!!
Thanks to everyone for your support!
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