Thursday, June 02, 2005

Ways To Tell It Is Summer in NY

Memorial Day is the unofficial kickoff to the summer season. Around the country, this is usually the BIG indicator that summer has begun. In NY, we have many other ways to identify that summer has begun.

C-Mac's NY summer indicators:

The stupid fuckers start construction on all the bridges to the beach.

The Mets are out of the playoff race.

Fat girls in thongs and belly shirts.

The ocean water goes from brown to black.

The price of a beach chair is an even $100.00

It only rains on weekends.

You have to take a number at a street vendor's hot dog stand.

Jet fans say "This is our year!!!!"

Long Island dips a foot below sea level because of all the city people on it.

The Long Island Railroad sees more hot asses in it than Motley Crue's dressing room.


supplymadam said...

My neighbors dog is barking until 4:00am instead of 12:00am.
My eletric bill goes up another 150.00 per month.
I actually work out more than once a week.
I don't bowl in the summer
My other neighbor waters the lawn 9 times a week.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious, but so true.

Bridget Unnel said...

Mosquitos.....fecking mosquitos.

Darcey said...

- You can no longer tell the difference between the "Buckhead Bimbos" and the "Midtown Meatheads" because EVERYONE is wearing as little clothing as possible to escape the sweltering heat/humidity.
- I stop drinking coffee.
- I hate everyone who has summer hours.

Anonymous said...

Summer hours rule!

Admin said...

The stench of garbage in the sun on the sidewalks in front of all the coop buildings! Mmmm...if I were to throw up on the sidewalk, it wouldn't make it any worse.