Monday, June 27, 2005

Monday Exhaustion

Wow, did I have trouble waking up today! I feel like I haven't blogged in a month! I was so wrapped up in everything and had so much to do this weekend. It went by in a flash, as it always does.

It was a good weekend! I got to catch up with some friends I had not seen in a bit. I got a good amount of yard work done, I got in 2 nice runs, I went to Costco and loaded up for CMACAPALOOZA III on July 9th, and I had a couple of bbq's at the house. A fun AND productive weekend!

Have any of you ever tried to throw away old garbage cans? It's almost impossible. I think garbage men are trained to treat garbage pails well and not throw them out. I've tried everything, putting them in larger pails, turning them upside down, piling stuff on them, and they just won't take them! Do I have to post a sign on them that says "Throw Me Out!!!!"? Quite a dilemma!

From what I hear, this "Bewitched" movie tanked this weekend. It was supposed to to a great deal better. I hate when they make movies out of old TV shows because they usually SUCK! Remember The Flintstones Movie? That blew. Starsky and Hutch, that blew. The Hulk, that blew. They should leave these "classics" alone! Now they are coming out with the "Honeymooners" movie, only thing is, they are African American. That would be like white people making a movie out of "The Jeffersons." It's just a bad idea! What other TV shows have they turned into movies that sucked? I know I am missing a bunch! My mind is not quite working yet today!

it's so foggy and humid today, it's nasty! I hope the upcoming weekend is as beautiful as this past weekend was! Hopefully the week will be over quickly!


Fred said...

Lost In Space? That blew.
Dragnet? That blew.
Mission Impossible? Well, not bad, really.

Jillian said...

I always have trouble waking up.
Leave your garbage can out with a sign that says free take me!!! It will be gone in a flash.

I kinda liked Starsky & Hutch!!!!

Jenni said...

Josh once spray painted an old metal garbage can gold with some extra spray paint that was laying around the house. It was so ghetto and the garbage man took it away...when we didn't want him to. Moral of the story: If you want them to take your garbage can, just pimp it out and paint it gold. That'll do it.

Hu Flung Pu said...

Take your garbage pail to the merrick dump. I hate when they do reunion shows, like the Brady Bunch Reunion. That show ruined all my lovely childhood memories.

WordWhiz said...

Yeah - we had this discussion before about TV shows turned into feature films. It's so lacking in originality and 30-minute sitcoms just don't translate well into 2-hour movies.

It was hot, hot, hot this weekend. I did yard work too, but thought I would melt.

My office is air conditioned...but I'd rather be home!!

Anonymous said...

Why is it that every time you ask these questions I can never think of anything??? LOL. You always put me on the spot. Damn it, I can't think of a single movie...

supplymadam said...

We put a sign on our old garbage can "PLEASE DISCARD" and they still didn't take it until we threw it on top of our gas grill we were throwing out. The I think they got the hint.Duh!
How about Charlie's Angels and the real Gilligans Island. I have no interest in watching any of these shows. Get a friggin orginal thought people.Are we finnally going to get some rain? It would be nice that everything isn't bone dry before July 4th. It feels like 4th of July around here. Someone in this neighborhood always has alot of fireworks. The loud stuff like M-80's.

Anonymous said...

what ever happened to Dukes Of Hazzard? Was that a crash??

Miss_Vicki said...

From seeing the trailer, I could tell that movie sucked.

Well there was the Brady Bunch movie.... :op

Vixen said...

My resolution for your trash can dilemma...tape a huge sign to it that says TRASH. I see our Admin do this at work sometimes.

They're doing all these movie remakes because there are no good screenwriters in hollywood right now. Last 'great' movie I saw... Million Dollar Baby.

Bridget Unnel said...

I'm hating this whole "let's redo x" trend. A big "bah humbug" to the death of original creative thought in Hollywood...

Marie said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Yeah, the whole making movies based on classic TV shows has been a failure for the most part. Leave the damn things alone. ;)

Molly said...

I too had a weekend hangover and wanted to prolong the joy of sleeping and being on my time. Monday's come too quickly!

Kristi said...

WoW you can't get rid of your garbage can and I just wish mine would stay put!
Its been rain, rain, rain, here. Sucks for the month of June!

Wish i was there!