Here we are more than two years later and we are no more closer to accomplishing that mission than we were then. 1700+ casualties and 13,000+ wounded soldiers later, we still have no strategy there. The borders are not sealed, Iraqi's are not trained, and the vast majority of nations still refuse to participate in this mission.

May 2nd, 2003

It's time for the people of this country to wake up. If you want to "support the troops" for real, demand that this Administration get this right. Instead of putting a bullshit ribbon magnet on the back of your gas guzzling SUV, take to the streets and demand change. Instead of waving a flag and claiming to be patriotic while having blind faith in this government, demand change. People in this country have NO balls anymore. Since 9/11/01 this government has us all believing that if we disagree with this war or anything else this government force feeds us, that we are bad Americans or not patriotic. It's actually the opposite. Those who challenge policies and the staus quo and want this country better are the real patriots.
I don't want to hear anyone's 9/11 bullshit speech. This war has NOTHING to do with 9/11. The man who is responsible for that is still laughing at us and still hiding while we create a distraction someplace else. Iraq, thanks to this war, is now a breeding ground and a rally cry for terrorism. We've made things worse. Bush had all of us in his corner after 9/11/01, he had a country united. Now, it's as divided as it's ever been. His speech tonight was a masquerade and a total joke just to spike his approval ratings. If it takes more troops to finish the job, then do what has to be done, just get this resolved and get our troops out of there sooner rather than later.
My question to everyone is this, when are we, as citizens going to wake up? Gas is headed for $3.00 a gallon, the war is dragging on, the Supreme Court is stripping us of our rights, the FDA is on the side of the drug companies and not looking out for us, healthcare and prescription costs are out of control, the economy sucks, Bin Laden is still on the loose, the FCC is censoring everything we see and hear, and we are all just sitting back letting this happen. Let's wake up!
"Iraq, thanks to this war, is now a breeding ground and a rally cry for terrorism." I absolutely agree with that statement and everything else you've said. It's easy to be outraged and not so easy to take it one step further and actually do something about it. Let's be real. This establishment has left us all feeling powerless. We are not being heard. So what do we do? What are you going to do?
Well CMAC, I have to disagree on a few points. For one, the economy runs in cycles, and its virtually independent of who the president is. Greenspan and his cronies at the FOMC have more to do with the economy than Bush does. I'm a liberal but I voted for Bush, not because I thought he was smarter than Kerry, he's certainly not. It was mostly because I feel that it is much more difficult for an individual, a group of people, or even a nation to attack our country with a republican in office. Would I have felt this way ten years ago....Nope, not at all. But only a very naive person would think that we're not on some evil person's wish list even before the war in Iraq.
Ps, I look forward to discussing this further over some peanuts and candy :)
There are a lot of people who are angry at Bush and not only US citizens...
THANK YOU CHARLIE. I was sitting here, creating our little Sim family, listening to that asshole and I had to turn it off.
Now he's turned this into a war against "people with the same ideologies as those who attacked us". HUH?? Well we'd better send troops all over the fucking world then.
MAKES ME SICK. No wonder I'm happier in Cyberia.
I was not around to listen to Bush's address. I know the purpose of the address was his rather meek attempt to improve his approval ratings which are the lowest they've been since he took office. It has been frustrating to see & hear the overall strategy behind the scenes of the Administration to be that of running around in circles and a rather dark comedy of errors. The cost of the war is at approximately 180 Billion dollars...the staggering figures of those wounded and killed in this war are quite alarming, and the anti-U.S. sentiment seems higher than it's ever been across the world (just to name a few examples). It feels like it's a vicious cycle that keeps perpetuating. I don't know what the answer is. I feel like I'm at a loss when I see what is going on around us.
I'm almost speechless, and that's unusual. I don't get upping his approval ratings, since he can't be re-elected (thank God), so why does he care? Why even pretend anymore?
I'm so disgusted, I don't even want to get started.
HERE HERE CHARLIE! Have you thought about running for office. You are so dead on that I would vote for you in a second! I missed the speech tonight, but I am sure that I would have had to turn it off quickly because I just can't listen to Bush blabber on any more.
HU, we were attacked under a REPUBLICAN on 9/11/01, I can't recall any other time (other than Pearl harbor)when we were attacked on our own soil.....
Hi Charlie! I'm your Rofler housemate over at Panthergirl's Sims game ... just wanted to stop by and introduce myself.
It's true all this son of a bitch did was throw a brick in a hornets nest!!! I was in the first one and I totally understand what our people are going through over there with these people!! It's a sad thing to see what I saw, and what they are seeing now. Somehow patriotism takes on a whole new meaning!!
I despise the fact that I live in a Red State, and therefore, my vote didn't count, because I sure as HELL didn't vote for that dumbass. He's got the mentality of "no one screws with my daddy" and thinks that its okay to put the entire country on the line to get some good ol' Texas family revenge. Ugh, it makes me so irritated. Maybe I should just move to Europe and become a citizen over there...
I agree with Pu except for the fact that Kerry isn't too bright. Did you once ever hear what his plan was? No. All you heard was "My plan,blah,blah,blah" That guy didn't say one thing that made any sense. I didn't come away with anything that he said. I think his wife helped him lose. What the hell was she talking about when she was up there. I think she took too much prozac before that speech. Did you notice you never saw her again after that. I think they realized it was a mistake to let her talk. So she knows 5 languages! I want to hear what you have to say in English. What a ditz!
Remember they found an Alqueda training camp in Iraq? That whole middle east is a breeding ground for terrorism. Bin Ladan is a shrewd dude. If we catch him that would be great but there would still be America Haters there planning more attacks. And we were attacked under Clinton 1993 World Trade.
They don't care who the president is. They were planning that attack for 10 years. In this country,while Clinton was in office. Do you think if Gore was president they would have said" Oh lets not carry on with our plans?"
Oh and Farenheit 911 was so edited to suit Michael Moore's agenda. He even admitted alot of that movie wasn't true. Remember he's a filmmaker and can make people believe anything he chooses. Why do people insist on rallying around that guy?
I'm sure I'll hear flack from this.But someone has to say it.
The difference was, Clinton's administration CAUGHT the people responsible for the 93 attack. His administration CAUGHT those responsible for Oklahoma City, his administration FOILED plans for the Millenium attack in Seattle, they FOILED plans for an attack on LAX, they FOILED plans to blow up NYC's bridges and tunnels.....when Clinton retalliated for the USS Cole bombing by sending missles into Afghanistan, he was criticized by REPUBLICANS who claimed he was doing it to get the attention off the Lewinsky scandal! If the republicans did not tie up the government for three years investigating a blow job, perhaps we would have saw this coming....but most of all remember one thing, this happened on BUSH's watch, not Clinton's!!!!
When a CEO takes over a company and is CEO for NINE months, it's his responsibility to steer the company in the right direction, he can't blame the CEO before him if something goes bad....just like Bush can't blame Clinton, this was on his watch.
Charlie - Sorry, disagree w/you on this one. FDR led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us. Japan did!! Truman finished that war and started one in Korea. North Korea never attacked us. John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam never attacked us. Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent, Bosnia never attacked us. He also was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter - three times by Sudan and did nothing!! The reason bin Laden came back was because Clinton made this country appear weak for years and so we became an easy target thanks to him! Thank God we have a President who has the balls to stand up for us. It started in Afghanistan and hopefully will end soon in Iraq. And, AMEN for our troops!
Well now there you have it. Our Weakness was thier strength. Bin Laden was offered to Clinton I remember and he refused him. He also did mastermind the 1993 attacks. We obviously didn't end it there because that shiek blind was caught. He was working under the direction of Bin Ladan. And Clinton new that.
We need the Patriot Act. If wehave nothing to hide then there should be no problem.
And if someone gets through the cracks because we weren't proactive then you would hear" Bush didn't do anything to get these guys"
A, Eisenhower actually got us started in Vietnam back in the late 50's by sending military "advisors" to the region.
WWII was a unique situation, we had to get involved not just because of Japan's attack, but because of the aggression of the Germans.
It's funny how everyone criticizes Clinton now. Nobody said anything when this country was prosperous in the 90's and people were making money hand over fist. Clinton made choices that made sense in the 90's, the Cold war was over and he made defense cuts, cuts that people like Cheney... and the Republicans in Congress supported and voted on.
It's funny how they waited for Bush to enter office to attack...a coincidence...I think not! AMEN to our poor troops who are fighting for a bullshit cause, a cause that most of them don't even believe in, a cause that they were duped into.....this President shoudl be impeached for lying to us all and to them.
oh, and as for Saddam, why didn't we take him out in 1991 when we were there the first time, when we had a real coalition and the world's support, when Saddam actually attacked another country and this was justified????? Guess that was Clinton's fault too.....
Clinton didn't end the Cold War, Reagan did. Clinton had the biggest tax increase in the history of this nation. That helped boost the economy. Also the economy does go in cycles. As long as we're making money it's okay to be weak to the terrorist?
What about Saddam's aggression? He was a dictator. Should we have ignored that and let him take over the Middle EAST?
Yo mean those guys that flew the planes agreed to wait till Bush was in office?
I didn't say Clinton ended the Cold War, I said the Cold war was over which warranted defense cuts by Clinton's administration.
These supposed "tax increases" happened under a republican House and they had to vote on and pass these......
Clinton revamped and overhauled the entire Welfare system, crime was at record lows, the stock market at record highs.....more than I can say for the state of affairs currently.
Why didn't Bush Sr. weed saddam out in 1991 while we were there? Instead he pushed the Iraqis back over the border and left the job unfinished so he could sweep it under the carpet and get re-elected, well that backfired didn't it?
And yes, i do feel these people waited until Bush took over to attack us....I believe that strongly.
Because we would probably be in the same situation as we are now. Kuwait asked for our help to get him out and that's what we did. By the way Kuwait has made alot of progress in the democratic process.They are a prospering country that takes care of thier people. Not torcher them and kill them for disagreeing.
yeah and Kuwait has been so good to us ever since huh, by jacking up gas prices along with the rest of the region....just like this "new" and "demcratic" iraq is going to do 5 years from now....these people are only friends with us when they need something...just ask the Reagan administration who armed both saddam to fight Iran and Bin Laden to fight the Russians......look where that "friendship" got us!!!!
Supplymadam, I love you, but perhaps you should try getting your TV set fixed, I think it's broken and permanently on FOX News Channel....that's where you get all these distorted half truths from!!!!
Hey I love you too,but I didn't learned most of this Fox News. Like Michael Moore is more creditable than Fox News.
If you watch Fox news they show both sides. But if you listen to other news networks they only show one side. The side they want you to hear.
It's in everyone's face. Newsday, The Times,ABC,NBC,CNN.
Okay I'm done, truce!
Well said, articulate, and relevant. You spoke my mind. I particularly like what you said in your comments.
Let's not forget about our troops fighting this thing while our buearacratic assholes in Washington make these brilliant decisions!!
It makes me laugh (a sad laugh) when I hear this administration put everything back onto 9/11. How Iraq has anything to do with 9/11 is still a mystery to me. And Bin Laden is still running around free and he was the one actually behind 9/11. I don't get how people don't see this, and how they continue to blindly follow Bush. I guess keeping gays from marrying is more important than our security.
Oh can you feel the love?
I love FOX news !!!
me too
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