Have you ever noticed that most people who press an elevator button to call the elevator to their floor press it about 10 times? Is the fuckin' elevator going to come 10 times faster because you pressed it 10 times?

Once Is Enough!!!!!

People also do it at street crossings. They press that button that supposedly turns their light green about a dozen times. First of all, those buttons have no effect whatsoever on the traffic light, it is all a scam. The traffic lights are on a timer and don't give a rat's ass if it's raining and that you want to cross the road.
People do this with doorbells too. On Saturday morning the mailman rang the bell here to deliver a certified letter. The fucker rang it about 8 times in a row and knocked on the door all in a 10 second span. Give me a fuckin' chance to react asshole! For spite, I took my time and let his ass bake out in the sun.
Have you ever been in a situation where you rang a doorbell, waited a reasonable amount of time and were hesitant to ring it again because you did not want to seem like a fuckin' douche nozzle? Like when your friend invites you over, you know they are home but they don't answer the door when you ring the bell. You start wondering if they heard the bell, if you should knock, or ring it again....it's a tough call because if they heard it the first time and were in the bathroom or on the way to get it and you ring again, you become one of the assholes I am talking about in this post.
People also do this with video game controllers. They think the harder they press the buttons, the harder they will hit the ball or the harder they pull on the joystick the faster the game/image will go. Sugar V loves pulling his joystick. Just thought I'd add that.
People who change TV channels too fast with a remote pisses me off. At least stop for 2 or 3 seconds to get a feel of what the hell is happening on the show! People do this with radios too....a song is ending and they change a station! At least wait to see what the next song is going to be so if it's good you can enjoy it from the start!
Don't push my buttons fuckers! hahaha
Guilty on all counts!!!!!
Just had to add I love your mini poll today...I needed a good laugh....thanks!!!!
Oh yeah...the remote thing drives me bonkers. And yes, I was at someone's door a week ago and knocked. Then I saw a little note in the window that said, please ring bell. Okay...do I ring now, or will I seem impatient because I've already knocked??
Yes, people in my office building keep punching the elevator button (we're on the top floor of the building). The elevator doesn't come any faster if you punch the button once or five times, nor does it come any faster if you flop down in a chair to wait for it, nor if you see someone else waiting for one, and step up your pace.
But, if you see the down light above one light up, you'd better run for it, even if you're wearing clogs, or some trippy little high heeled mules. Run, baby run. See Dick run. See Jane run. Run Dick. Run Jane.
I see people doing that here all the time with those buttons on the traffic light poles, that are supposed to cause the light to change sooner so you can cross the street? One time I saw this Mexican woman stand there and push that damn button for 2 minutes straight without stopping. WTF? Hopefully she just didn't understand English or something - that drives me insane.
along the radio lines...i hate it when someone else has the remote control and they flip through the channels so fast you can't even focus let alone see what's on tv.
um. hi. i'm dumb. how did i miss the reference to the remote RIGHT BEFORE you mentioned changing the radio station before the song ends. apparently, i can't read.
You are so right! I can't say much more than that.
I love to push buttons, especially the guy with the "sports periphenialia." We all know what radio station you like...
I have been known to push all the elevator buttons on the way to the bathroom.
Me, too... guilty as charged.
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I know -- I'm a smartass. ;)
Me, too... guilty as charged.
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I know -- I'm a smartass. ;)
Me, too... guilty as charged.
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I know -- I'm a smartass. ;)
Me, too... guilty as charged.
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I know -- I'm a smartass. ;)
Me, too... guilty as charged.
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Why isn't this working?
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I know -- I'm a smartass. ;)
Me, too... guilty as charged.
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I know -- I'm a smartass. ;)
I've been known to do that in the past too. Now that I'm a little older and wiser I'm not in as much of a rush. I don't want to rush something I can't control(like aging)
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