Thursday, June 16, 2005

Speaking My Mind

I've always been the type of guy that speaks my mind. Most of the time I am cautious about how I say things because I never want to deliberately hurt someone's feelings. I am a nice guy but not a pussy. I call people out on shit when they need to be called out on things, I voice my opinion, and I stick to my beliefs and convictions. I don't want my kindness to be misinterpreted as weakness, because I am strong willed and FAR from weak.

Lately, I feel like I've been selling out. For the past 7 months or so at work, I've kept my mouth shut and let certain people take advantage. I do this now because last year I was more vocal and paid for it financially in the way of bonus and raise. Apparently innovation, creativity, and a strong will is something unwanted around here. It's apparent that if you keep your mouth shut, blend in, don't come up with ideas, suggestions, or make "waves" as they describe it, you will be better taken care of. So, I've sat here the past 7 months stewing inside while I have watched what has gone on.

This new way of thinking forced upon me at work has spilled over into my private life. A year or so ago, if someone wronged me, I would have told them where the fuck they could go. Now, I try to be politically correct, I rationalize their behavior, and many times, I forgive and forget even when I know for certain they are wrong or have dicked me over. What the fuck is wrong with me? Some days I feel like I am just going to snap and blow up and just tell everyone's coming soon, trust me. I feel I need an emotional cleansing. I have so much inside I want to say, to a bunch of people, but I hold it in to keep the peace. What's fucked up about it is that they are walking around fine and I am harboring all these bad feelings.

The sellout stops here, today. Why worry about "burning a bridge" if it's not a bridge to anywhere good or costructive. I am not going to keep people in my life that don't bring out good qualities in me. I say fuck you to the miserable fucks who walk around this office and bring the rest of us down, fuck you to the ungrateful bitches walking around out there who have no idea what they want and who fuck with your emotions, fuck you to the people who bring out bad things in me, and fuck you to inconsiderate, selfish assholes. I'll throw in a fuck you to all the people who think they are owed something without earning it, especially my trust or respect.

F-U-C-K Y-O-U!!!!

I normally don't rant. I keep this blog light, funny, amusing, silly, and offbeat. Today I needed to get out what's been going on. Nothing specific happened today to trigger this, it's been building since winter. I am no longer going to sell-out to keep the peace or be "politically correct" in other people's eyes. I am going back to the Charlie I am comfortable with. I am no longer going to lower my standards to conform. If you dick me over, you'll pay, no more reasoning and no more rationalizing. So, if you've wronged me recently, dig a hole and hide. If you don't have anything positive to bring to the table, stay the fuck away from me and wallow in your own misery.


Unknown said...

Right on!!!

Anonymous said...

It's about fucking time! I've been telling you that you are too nice!

Jillian said...

Woo Hoo!!!!! I fucking agree with ya on all points!!!

Molly said...

Being nice has its limits and you shouldn't take shit from people just at the expense of not hurting their feelings! Hope that it makes you happy to be your "old" self!

Charlie Mc said...

I like it Betel!!!! hahahaha

supplymadam said...

Keep the weapons away!
I'll try to be nicer to you,lol!

Darcey said...

Good on you, CMac!

Honey, sounds like you need some TLC. My prescription - a drink, a backrub and a home-cooked meal. Then you'll be all fortified to kick some ass.

Charlie Mc said...

Muse, come on over!!!! Or I'll fly to GA!

Ohpuhleaz said...

I feel ya on this one!
When women have these moments, it's called PMS.

Darcey said...

Hehe. Works every time.

supplymadam said...

On a more serious note. Stuff can build up and that's not good. Sometimes some things are better left unsaid knowing that you are a better person than them. Some people might not be worth the effort and then again if you feel they need some puttin in place and you feel that's the best course of action then I'll have to go along with it. Nice can only go too far or make it seem like a weakness to some. Let us know how the first "fuck you" goes!

Vixen said...

You go CMAC! I suggest listening to some really loud & hard rock music. Jamming to some hard tunes! Let the music take you away OR Do a couple 'bama slammers and get laid boy! Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll Babe!!!

Miss_Vicki said...

Don't worry, I'm sure the Yankees'll come back ;)


And I'm going to add a "FUCK!" well, because everyone else did and I conform goddammit!!!

In all seriousness, I actually respect people who can speak their mind and tell a person off if they deserve it. I'm way too nice most of the time, and never say a word. Maybe some of this regained spunk will rub off on me!

Kerri Keberly said...

ya know. i feel the same way. i used to be ten times better at not letting people mistake kindness for weakness. now, after getting burned, over and over again, for opening my mouth and standing up for myself, or as the man puts it, "making waves", i tend to just let it build up. and yeah, then you start to take it home and...well, you know...

good for you, cmac, tell 'em to go to hell.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why, but you just totally turned me on. LOL. I love an agressive man who doesn't take shit from anyone. :)

Hu Flung Pu said...

I'm down for a little office rumble. Tell me when you're going to tell someone to Fuck off. I'd love to get in a few punches on a few people

Vulgar Wizard said...

Preach on, brutha Charlie!