Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Name Game

I think at some point in our lives, we got teased about our name because it rhymed with something or it was similar to something funny. For instance, I was called "Charleston Chew" "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" "Charles in Charge" and "Choo Choo Charlie." Stupid, but kids will make fun of almost ANY name. I was thinking this morning of names that are guaranteed to get someone made fun of or beat up that parents should never name a kid:

DICK- Avoid giving your children a slang name for male or female genitalia.
GAYLORD- Would you name your child "Homo"?
TUCKER- Stay away from names that obviously rhyme with curse words that could be used against your child.
HARRY- Especially if the child's last name is Cox, Beaver or Peters.
PRECIOUS- Any name that's a compliment, especially a delicate one, is practically like holding up a sign saying "I dare you to hit me."
ADOLF- What's wrong -- were "Osama" and "Saddam" already taken?


Were you ever teased about your name? If so, what did they call you?


Darcey said...

A friend in high school wanted to name his kid first name: Harrison, middle name: Richard.
That's just wrong.

I got "Marcy Darcey" - and still do. Bless Married with Children, really.

Jillian said...

My mother actually went to high school with a guy whos name is Harry Dick. I think his parents were insane!!!!!!

I got so tired of the Jack & Jill song when I was growing up I purposely would not date anyone named Jack!!!!!

supplymadam said...

I rememember a local guy who owned George's Glass. His last name was Washington and yes he was named George and his sister was Martha. What was his parents thinking"Get tough or die"
I always got Lisa Pizza. I remember a guy once said to me "Lisa Needsa" Nice huh? What a jerk!
I have a friend who's middle name is Venus after her aunt. When she told a guy at work once what it was of course he had to yell out "PENIS"? Always a sexual undertone.

Darcey said...

Darian - That would be Gweneth (Paltrow) and Chris Martin (of Coldplay). And what about the kid who's middle name is "Crimefighter" or any of the Zappa kids?

erl said...

i went to high school w/ a girl whose mom was named "anita hole"

The Diva ♥ said...

how about norma/norman thats an old lady/ old man name. kids dont need an old person name.

Charlie Mc said...

fanny is another horrible name!

Jenni said...

There was a kid at my elementary school named "Ronald Regan." No shit, and Regan was even president at the time.

I think Carl has to be the worse name ever because whenever I hear it I think of "Hot Carl" and that just makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

I always got teased about my name. No one could ever pronounce either my first or last. And because my first name means Sunday in English, people called me that all the time. So I chose a nickname and stuck with that!

Charlie Mc said...

Heywood is another bad one, esp. if your last name is Jablome.

Kerri Keberly said...

i hate all those car names that are all the craze nowadays, like:


why not volkswagon or honda?

i also hate the names:


seriously, people.

Molly said...

Everyone likes to break into the song "Good Golly Miss Molly" around me...and apparently Molly is a popular name for dogs/cows/ferrets and other pets. I always got that growing up "Oh your name is Molly, my dog's name is Molly"

My biggest name pet peeve is putting a "La" or "De" in front of them. For instance...Aaron is so boring, let's name him DeAaron, or DeAngelo instead of Angelo.

Unknown said...


The Fuz said...

I knew a kid in high school whose surname was Booth. His parents then had a baby girl....and they named her Courtesy. Yup, Courtesy Booth. That poor child.

Bridget Unnel said...

I knew a girl in college named Abby, middle name Gail. Swear to the gods above, it was because they loved the name Abigail but couldn't think of anything that would work well as a middle name, given the surname.

Miss_Vicki said...

Poindexter comes to mind.... LMAO

Ohpuhleaz said...

My best friend in high school had a huge rack and her name was Robin. So she got "Rockin' Robin" and Robin Big Breast (as opposed to Robin Red Breast) a lot. I work with a lady named Anita Johnson

Admin said...

Peter. Same implication as Dick.

Other than that, wonky names like Wilhelmina, Wilberta, Alfred, Iola, Viola, Fleur, Iris, Poppy, Bernice, Alice, Thelma, and lest we forget, the classic one--John! We have some really cruel names in our family, going back a couple of generations.