Absurd, To Say The Least

Look at this lady. She's actually driving her rascal through a Dunkin' Donuts Drive Thru. Even "handicapped" people are becoming lazy. What the fuck is going on?
I wonder how many people that drive these motorized scooters are actually handicapped. I mean, it's not a wheelchair, anyone can buy one. I see people who don't look handicapped or disabled riding them around Target because Target provides them for free use in their stores, only theirs have a shopping cart attached to it.
I think you should have to provide a doctors note to buy one of these. It would piss me off if I knew people who did not need them were driving them around just because they were lazy.
I wonder if drivers of these scooters get road rage???? You know, the scooter in front of you is the cheaper model and can only go 3MPH when yours is the fancier model that goes 5MPH. I wonder if they have the same bad luck we do with our cars, you know what I am talking about, as soon as we wash it, it rains?
Would you be pissed if you were in a hurry and this lady was in front of you at the drive thru?????
I'd like to know where you find all these crazy pics.
Maybe the woman was just hungry! LOL. :)
Maybe no one would hold the door for her.
Reminds me of George Costanza in that episode of Seinfeld, faking his disability so he could have his own bathroom at work and getting one of these little motorized thingees...and then racing with others who drove them. Funny.
The Drive-Thru window at my bank has been visited by more than a few wheel-chair bound customers...And, what's worse, is that a bunch of people (with perfectly functional legs) have tried to walk through the drive-thru because they DIDN'T FEEL LIKE WALKING AROUND THE BUILDING to the front door. But the joke's on them, because they wait in line and get up to the window and the tellers tell them "Sorry, for insurance purposes, we cannot wait on you at the Drive-Thru." Suckas. :)
lol! maybe she couldn't fit though the door.
Hey as long as she doesn't take longer than anyone else, and I get my donut & coffee, she can do whatever the hell she wants :)
I've seen exactly this by 500 pound diabetics driving through McDonald's. Oh, and I've seen them park the scooters in "Handicapped".
That's hilarious. On the other hand, if I walked into a Target store, and these things were sitting around for anyone to grab, like a golf cart, I just might try one out to see how many other customers I could knock over before they take it away from me.
Funny! It's crazy what some people will do!
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