A Strong Finish For C-Mac

Of course, I had to make a few observations after the race. Long Beach always has the trophy ceremony after the race which includes a BBQ, water, and other refreshments. This 400lb dude was behind the HUGE grill grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. Who is eating that after sprinting 3 miles? Also, the dude was sweating like a pig, was handling all the meat and buns with no gloves, and for every three hamburgers he was making, he was eating one. Like I might eat anything his nasty, sweaty hands were all over! I'll have dinner right here!!!!
Have a great weekend everyone! Let's see how many drinks I can down in 23:08 now!!
Congrats on the time! Better you than me, truly!
I run a 23:08 mile.
I can't believe you have the stamina to run so much in this heat. I'm exhausted and sweaty just reading this. :)
Not bad 'tall dude, awesome job. I work out pretty much every day, but I can't run for shit - my cute little shins just can't handle it :)
I'm all for the after-running festivities though, I'll drink one myself in your honor :op
I have my 10k this weekend wish me luck! Congrats ;)
Pretty good time, Charlie! I'm more of a 10-minute mile girl myself.
Have a drink for me. :)
How about a progress report. Just how many drinks can you down in 23:08?
Fast pal....run...wowow
c-mac I just finish my 10 k today and i was 14 out of 43 in my age group. i think thats good right. its my first 10k i am beat.
Congratulations on your run! I'm more of an stationary bike person myself.Like to be in the AC. I was never a fan of the heat. Not by choice of course. It's just my body saying "Get out of the damn heat before you get a migraine". Yeah I'm alot of fun!
What's with the fat guy sweating over the grill? Yeah that's encouraging. Sweat all over the food,That's just wrong.
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