Don't Mess With The Ginsu.....

I always got a kick out of the claims they made on these commercials. "It will cut a tree down and still cut a tomato like a hot knife through butter." Who's cutting wood with a steak knife? Then they demonstrate cutting through an aluminum can followed by how nicely it cuts this big ass loaf of white bread. Yeah, I always find the need to cut through aluminum cans, pipes, and sheet metal with my steak knives. Totally absurd, yet people seem to still be buying these!!!
What's the wackiest thing you ever bought from an infomercial? I honestly have never ordered anything from TV, although a few things have tempted me......
Where do I begin? LOL.
A Flobee? Oh God, I remember those! LOL. I feel so bad for the kid that had to get his hair cut by that. :)
I once ordered for my mom this glucosomene rub for her knee 3 of them for 20.00ea plus shipping. All excited that I bought her some relief she says to me "Eckerd has these same ones for 12.00.(She's had a knee replacement since)
Never again will I fall for the BS.
I'm more of an Ebay and Amazon person myself - in fact, I'm expecting several new boxes of stuff to be delivered this week :op Hey, I'm moving into a new apt., I need STUFF! :)
It's funny, I remember those commercials exactly. I can't stand watching infomertials, just can't stomach dat sheet.
I ordered the "Ab Roller" for fifty bucks. What a waste of money. The thing SUCKED!
I ordered, "The Ultimate Chopper" from that Chef Tony commercial, as piece of shit to say the least!
I had a friend in high school who sold knives one summer for a job. I thought that was the weirdest thing ever, going door to door selling knives, yikes!
I have never bought anything from television myself. I don't like to buy it if I can't pick it up and try it for myself first...
Although I never ordered it (I SWEAR!) I was always fascinated by Ron Popiele's meat dehydrator and rotissere things. "Just set it...And forget it!" They claimed. I would watch that whole damn commercial from start to finish, fascinated.
Another one I watched, entranced, was Victoria Principal's makeup line: The one that promised you glorious skin and a glowing complexion with her powder. I never understood ordering makeup from an infomercial. But I seriously considered it. :)
I actually mentioned Ginsu knives last month! It was when I wrote about Martha S selling them with the bloggerholic pills
I, too, was a purchaser of the "Ab Roller." And I ended up giving it to the Salvation Army. Now some less fortunate person can have it taking up space in their closet.
But I LUUURVE watching infomercials when I'm in that "I'm so tired that I can't sleep" state. Or when I'm hungover. Which usually goes hand-in-hand with the former.
My wife bought one of those ab things too. Man, I was pissed.
On the bright side, I'm pretty sure they can be recycled!
Shit...my kids use my knives to cut everything...My knive set has probably cut trees, cans, toys and what ever the kids are dismanteling at the time, then put back neatly, where I then procced to use for their intended purpose.
I have never purchased from an infomercial, but an old boyfriend swore by the flobee!!!! His hair always looked like shit!!!!
I loved my Ab Roller (until my son took all the nuts and bolts out)!!! If you did the 11-minute workout, you could barely swallow WATER the next day without screaming in pain. The sign of a good workout, if you ask me. ;)
What I loved about the Ginsu knife commercials was this: "Order before midnight tonight, so you don't forget!" (not like ordering before midnight was going to get you anything)
Since I used to work in advertising, I know how sleazy the infomercial end of it is. They inflate the price like five times, and throw in an extra something to make you think you're getting a bargain, meanwhile rartely telling you what "shipping and handling" will be for it.
In my experience, if the product is any good, it will eventually be sold in bricks and mortar stores; witness stuff like Didi-7 and Oxy-Clean, that you can buy in a grocery store or Bed Bath & Beyond now. Infomercials are basically test marketing pricing, and what the market will bear for crap.
My current favorite is "The Grip and Flip." Something like $20 for a pair of plastic tongs, a plastic ladle with an unecessary strainer on one side, and a plastic handled tong-style whisk. You could buy all three in K-Mart for like $2 each, so even if they throw in a complete second set (and who needs a second set of any of this crap?) "for free," you're still paying about twice what you should.
I don't trust buying anything off of T.V.
I will stick to the stores thank you:)
those exercise products on TV don't work! Take it from a personal trainer!
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