Can you believe they actually have "Hole Marshalls" on golf courses to keep noise down by flashing these signs?

Don't Tell Me When I Can Talk!

It's comforting knowing every PGA golf hole has a Marshall on it, yet most of our airlines still don't. What the fuck?
This guy is a complete buzzkill. You pay top dollar to see a match and you are basically told to shut the fuck up courtesy of a guy with a sign in hand.
Wouldn't you think they'd think to have, say a hot chick in a bikini, hold the sign, so people will ACTUALLY NOTICE IT??? ;op Just a thought. I can't watch golf - just can't.
"Buzz Kill" is the perfect word for this guy. As well as jackass. I think people on the golf course know when to be quiet, especially if they're there watching.
"So, today Jenni salutes you, Mr. Quiet Sign Holder. Your elequoent display of the sign leaves people in awe of you....Mr. Master of the Obvious."
Wow, I didn't realize that golf games get so rowdy that people actually have to be told to be quiet. LOL.
I wonder what kind of training that job requires. Do you think he has to go thru an apprenticeship first or what?
That's hilarious! And yes, having some guy on a slight power trip waving around a big "QUIET" sign is a tad obnoxious. ;)
What happens if you're not quiet? Does he have another sign that says "Please Leave"? or maybe another sign that says "Now shut the fuck up"!
Is sign language acceptable?
Beating this guy with that sign would be loads of fun!
Munchkinn turns to C-Mac and yells "EXTREEEEEME PUTT-PUTT!!!!!!!!"
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