Dave Thomas Would Be Proud.....

C'mon, you know she's hot! Looks like a family tradition here, mullets for all! Do you know anyone who actually had a mullet? This does not apply for anyone living in a "Red" state because half your population still does have one......
I think Wendy's is sitting on a gold mine here. They could offer a breakfast sandwich that doubles the new BK Big Omelette sandwich and make this woman the spokesperson.
6 eggs
1/2lb bacon
6 sausage patties
1/2lb american cheese
all on a loaf of Italian bread
I wonder if these people ever find themselves accidentally on the internet.
This also may be a picture of the Sugar V and an ex-girlfriend taken a few years back. The resemblance is uncanny.
I am speechless. I have never seen such a thing. who would do that to themselfs. As miss vicki said OMG that is fucking disgusting!
Thats a woman????? I agree with Miss Vicki!!!!!!!
I'll have number 3 with a frosty, and uh, can you BIGGIE size it?
That's just plain friggin gross!Looks like something is breeding on the side of her head. Is this "Let's see who can be the biggest turnoff"? Wait,is that a finger she's eating?
Why do I even bother commenting on here, anymore? I love the blog, but I'm always like the 30th person to get home to even see it and make a comment. Sheesh.
Jane Bear, I love your comments, that's why! I'd miss them if you did not comment!!!!!
hahahahaha!!!! My ex-husband wrote a book called "Mullet: Hairstyle of the Gods"...I have to send him this picture!!!
I am definitely in shock...that you think that's a woman! No friggin way! Gotta be a dude!
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