Scary Stuff!!!!

Did anyone see this show tonight? I am absolutely STUNNED! Hit Me Baby One More Time is a show where they have singers/bands from the 80's and 90's compete against each other and perform again. I FEEL FUCKIN' OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! These bands have aged so much it is scary. I am completely speechless right now.
Loverboy kicked off the show. Mike Reno, who all the ladies loved in the 80's looks like a 300lb turtle. He has no voice anymore at all! I will never think of Loverboy the same way again.
Then C C Peniston took the stage. She had that big hit called "Finally" back in 1991. She gained a lot of weight too and sounded like shit.
Then A Flock of Seagulls took the stage. They are OLD and sounded like a drunken karaoke band, just horrible. It was painful watching and listening to them.
After the Flock came Arrested Development. They had those hits "Tennessee" and "Everyday People" back in 1993. They actually sounded pretty good and did not age all that much.
After Arrested Development came Tiffany. She was horrible back then and she sucked even more now!!!!!! I thought I'd never have to see this bitch ever again!!!!
I am pissed at NBC!!!! They ruined any good memory of 80's music I had! It was pitiful watching these poor bastards. NO MORE TV FOR ME UNTIL FALL!!!!!!!!
LOL I am gonna watch it tonight - I'm on the west coast, so it's only 7 pm here - I'm watching the Yankees lose AGAIN to keep me entertained while I wait :)
c-mac! i have change my site it is now butterpecan.blogspot.com.
I missed it. Probably just as well. I find plenty of things to make me feel OLD. I hardly need one more!!
I am SO bummed that I missed it.
SO SAD! I was all excited to see "Tiffany," imagining I would see her in leg warmers in the middle of some mall singing "I Think We're Alone Now," and NOTHING! Some lame ass song I don't even care about! SUCKED!
I'm glad I missed it, I still have SOME fond memories of Tiffany....
we had to watch Tiffany here..and she won!
sorry new to this..we had to watch her in england on our version of the show !
You are correct it makes you feel old...Arrested development have had to resort to shows like this !
Missed that on,was watching the Met's kick ass(again)Go Pedro!
I was gonna rant about this one, too, but then thought the toilet paper story was a better way to start the day.
Sadly, I did watch it. And no, I didn't respect myself in the morning.
First of all, hubster swears that the band behind the Flock of Seagulls singer was not the original lineup. Me? I know nothing.
As for Loverboy? Tears of misery were rolling down my face. The red leather pants are clearly packed way, way, WAY in the back of Reno's attic.
I remembered Pensiston, but thought her voice had held on a little better than Reno's.
As for Tiffany? Were those boobs or water baloons. Please tell me she is pregnant.
Oh you poor baby! I'm sorry they ruined it for you. I totally sympathize. But honestly... what did you expect? If these people were any good, they wouldn't be has-beens. LOL.
i agree no more tv until the fall there is nothing on anymore.
Summer television outside of sports is to be avoided at all costs! I think the networks take a mental vacation when they pick summer schedules.
i caught the tail end of it...how sad!! I'm also really bummed because I knew the lead singer of Tommy Tutone back in the day... sad to see that he's so desperate that he'd do a show like this.
I didn't see this show...but OMG I did see "Beauty and The Geek"...I put a review in my blog...check it..
Molly, you are a very smart woman :)
I watched this and posted about it too - I couldn't believe how fat and gross they all got (except Arrested Development). I was thinking as I was watching Loverboy - didn't I used to think he was kinda cute? Bah!
That is a horrible idea. Thank you for the warning. I will stay far away from this. Great post and very well written review.
Yes, it was nasty. i watched it too and felt like I needed a shower afterward. Those were Tiffany's boobs, and definitely all hers, no help. If Mike Reno walked up to me today and said he was Mike Reno, I would crack up! Waht happened to all of those people. My 14 year old came up to me at some point during the show and said, "Is this supposed to be a joke?" My friend Chera and I just looked at her and said, "Well not to them, but...yeah, definitley to everyone else!"
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